In our mummy blogger series, we find out what keeps these tech and social-media savvy mummies talking, or blogging!
Ai Sakura, 29 years old, Admin staff
Married to: Dr Dru, 36 years old, Veterinarian
Child: Lil Pumpkin, 4 years old
Blog was started in: 23 June 2011
1. Hi! Tell us your blog in a nutshell.
Insights, ideas and inspiration about parenting and lifestyle in Singapore.
2. What’s the story behind the blog?
Other than journaling our family memories on the blog, I wanted to show that there’s still me in motherhood, and it’s okay. To let people understand that individuality does not end after motherhood. When you have kids, your life revolves around them but that doesn’t mean you give up on yourself as a person. Your passions and interests can still exist in a family setting, and your kids can be part of pursuing them.
3. What gets you talking/writing?
Family, food, photography, travel, fashion, crafts.
4. How much time do you spend online each day/week?
About 3 hours daily. It includes checking news, research, social media use and blogging.
5. Share with us your favorite post and what it means to you.
There are so many! One of my favourite post is about how I marvel at Lil Pumpkin for living with such an innocent, loving heart. She doesn’t care about how much we spent on her toys, how clean the house is, or how long we spent cooking that perfect meal. She just wants to be with us and be happy.
6. Your most viral blog post to date?
One of my travel posts to Macau and my recommendations on the 10 must-eat food & where to find them.
7. What do your kids have to say about being the stars of your blog?
Lil Pumpkin is still too young to understand about “blogging” but she knows that mummy likes to take lots of photos of her, and she’s very willing to pose for me!
8. If your child decides to follow your footsteps and blog for a living, or blog to earn that extra income in the future, what would you say to him or her?
If that is something she is interested in, I will gladly encourage her as I want her to follow her dreams. I’ve learnt a lot and had many wonderful opportunities to meet new people and visit new places through blogging, so if she wants to, go for it!
9. Do you read your past posts? How often do you do so? Any regrets or do you find yourself re-editing some of the posts?
I like to read my past posts sometimes to relive the memories, especially of Lil Pumpkin growing up. I also like to read past posts to remind myself of my blogging voice and the reasons why I started blogging.
10. Future plans. What will happen to the blog when the kid(s) grow up?
My blog is mainly about our family life, but it’s also about lifestyle and how an individual’s passion can exist in a family setting. Life does not end even after the kids grow up, so my blog will still exist and reflect the changes in our lifestyle blog.
11. Tips for budding mommy bloggers out there?
I wrote a post about 6 blogging tips to make life easier.
Stay tuned for more interviews with mummy bloggers in Singapore!
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