Postnatal massage is a traditional treatment that has been handed down several generations and is even practiced today and is usually done in the comfort of your own home. Country to popular belief, postnatal massage is not just about getting back into shape. Postnatal massage can help to relieve muscle tension and stress from everyday activities and your new mothering activities. One example is that it helps to alleviate aches on the shoulders and neck from carrying or feeding your newborn.
Other benefits of postnatal massage:
- Helps reinstate the uterus to its original state
- Eliminates excess body fluids, reduce fluid retention
- Tones the over stretched areas of skin, especially over the abdomen
- Promote blood circulation within the body
- Exfoliate dead cells and regenerate skin renewal
Besides the physical benefits, postnatal massage also helps to restore your emotional state. Massage also has the power to help you cope with emotions you may be experiencing after birth, especially if your labour was not what you expected, or if you are having postnatal blues.
Jamu Massage is one form of postnatal massage for mothers. Having roots in South-East Asia before the 17th century, it is a traditional Indonesian massage using various kinds of plants and herbal medicine. Although it is a massage form that originated from Indonesia, there are many Chinese and Westerners who endorse this massage.
The Jamu postnatal massage consists of a full-body oil massage. ‘Jamu’ (which means ‘herb’ in Malay) is both a type of massage and a type of herb. It includes applying a Jamu-based herb, pilis on your forehead, and a Jamu wrap on your body. Besides this, Origins Jamu Massage especially incorporates a breast massage, to help promote mummies’ milk supply for successful lactation, and clear any blocked ducts.
For mothers who delivered naturally, they can start their postnatal massage as soon as they feel comfortable and ready. However, mothers who delivered through caesarean section are encouraged to wait until their incision is fully healed (if you are unsure, please seek your doctor’s advice beforehand).
There are many things a new mum has to do before and after giving birth – look for a confinement lady, taking note of her confinement diet, pay hospital bills, buy baby products… the list goes on. What mummies should also include in their to-do-list is to fix a postnatal massage and Jamu postnatal massage allows you to get proper and qualified postnatal care, and also be pampered at the same time.
What more could you ask for?
Specializing in postnatal massage, Origins Jamu Massage is a leading home spa that offers comprehensive postnatal treatments. Complimentary sessions of lactation massage, heated stone therapy service and baby massage class to help a new mum to cope and transit smoothly into motherhood are also offered.
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Just given birth to your baby? Do check out our Post-natal Massage in Singapore compilation.