In our mummy blogger series, we find out what keeps these tech and social-media savvy mummies talking, or blogging!
Corsage, 36 years old, Learning Designer
Married to: Roboman, 40 years old, Works in the financial industry
Children: 2 children – 2 years and 4.5 years old
Blog was started in: May 2008
Hi Corsage! Tell us your blog in a nutshell.
This blog is very much a dollop of my life – a peek into my world as a woman, a wife and a mother. It covers the topics of family, Kitchen Exploits, and healthy living, and a few other tidbits that happen with life! The healthy living aspect is a new area I am covering on the blog, spurred by my daughter’s eczema and food intolerances, and my mother’s serious illness at the end of year 2013.
What’s the story behind the blog?
I started blogging way before 2008, on a different platform. Then, I was writing for a selected group of family and friends. When I moved on to my own domain in 2008, I was very much a lifestyle blog – the ins and outs of a 20-something-year-old woman’s life, covering thoughts about relationships, food and fashion. As with the change in my life’s journey, I started writing about family when my children came along.
What gets you talking / writing?
I am a visual person, so a good photograph often sparks off ideas about what to write. I am very keen on natural health issues right now, although my interest is accumulating more in discovery and experimentation, than knowledge consolidation and sharing at the moment. Funny things my children say always get me sharing, along with emotive issues in family and marriage that tug on my heartstrings.
How much time do you spend online each day/week?
Oh, this really varies. I am usually online several times a day, although usually via my phone. I am trying not to use my phone when I am interacting with my children, so I sometimes turn notifications off so that I can concentrate on the now! Actual blog planning and writing usually takes place only late at night after the children are asleep and chores are done. If a blog post requires photography, I will have to put aside time in the day for that to be done. There are days that go by where I do nothing but read, and days where hours are spent putting content together.
Share with us your favorite post and what it means to you.
It is hard to pick a favourite post! I suppose my posts on my children’s birthday parties are happy ones that I enjoy re-reading and looking at the photographs. They bring back happy memories of the work that when into the parties, and the joy of celebrating milestones with family and friends. You can read about Bubbles’ 3rd birthday party, andBun’s 1st birthday celebration.
Your most viral blog post to date?
My posts on Eczema do really well, along with a fairly recent post on Where to Buy Natural/Organic Foods in Singapore. I get the most emails from parents of children who suffer from eczema and other skin related issues, and also emails from women who have marriage trouble. I always make time to answer these emails as it is important to me that the people who wrote them know that they are heard.
What do your kids have to say about being the stars of your blog?
My 2yo does not yet comprehend what it means to be on the blog, although she enjoys looking at photos of herself on the computer screen. My 4.5yo knows she is called Bubbles online, and sometimes asks that I write about certain events that we experience.
If your child decides to follow your footsteps and blog for a living, or blog to earn that extra income in the future, what would you say to him or her?
Actually my daughter Bubbles, has said that she wants to be “a blogger just like Mummy”. That made me laugh! I don’t think blogs will be the way they are today when she is old enough to write in her own space (the online sphere is fast changing), but I wouldn’t dissuade her from writing.
Do you read your past posts? How often do you do so? Any regrets or do you find yourself re-editing some of the posts?
I hardly have time to read many blogs, not to mention old posts of any, including my own! I only refer to old posts if I want to link to content there, or if I get a comment from a reader. Otherwise, I do a lot more forward planning than reminiscing the past!
Future plans. What will happen to the blog when the kid(s) grow up?
As always I have so many ideas about where I want to take the blog! Things are slow right now and I am ok with that, as I am giving a lot of time to my family. Once Bun starts school I may have a window of about 2 hours a day to do more work and that will include blog development. I do hope to write more about my passion (and new found learning) for healthy living, and perhaps start writing again about my long-time and much neglected interest in fashion, particularly in accessorizing.
Tips for budding mommy bloggers out there?
Enjoy hosting your blog! It is your space to be what you want it to be!
Stay tuned for more interviews with mummy bloggers in Singapore!
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