As much as each person plays their own role in the family, it’s also very much a team effort. What habits do healthy happy families keep?


#1 They stay active together

They make it a weekly affair to go outdoors and play with their whole family. Whether it’s a hike to MacRitchie Reservoir or a stroll at the Botanic Gardens, regular physical activities help to relieve stress and anxiety. Why? When you engage in these activities, your body produces endorphins (brain chemicals that help relieve pain and induce feelings of pleasure).

Related Read: Children parks to visit in Singapore

Consider doing something new each week, switching from moderate to high intensity active play activities and sports. Hit the trampoline park or go rock climbing. Sports that makes you sweat is beneficial to your body system. Sweating helps to release toxins, improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism. It also enhances your child’s immune system and is associated with improved heart and lung functions.

For an additional stress-buster to the hardworking parents out there, try HealthPlus M-Plus ($26.50). This supplement contains Maca, Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali), Siberian ginseng, Panax ginseng, Arginin, ingredients that helps strengthen your body and increase general resistance to daily stress.

#2 They have meals together

A study done by the University of Michigan discovered that the amount of time children spent eating meals at home was the single biggest predictor of better academic achievement and fewer behavioral problems. According to the study, mealtime was even more influential than time spent in school, studying, attending religious services, or playing sports. But make sure that dinner is a phone or electronic-free zone!

Related Read: The Magic of eEating Together

#3 They eat well

Be the one who decides what food goes into your kitchen. The key is to start your kids from young, and introduce other choices of healthier snacks available. Make it a point to eat healthier choices in front of them too. Instead of chips and sugared biscuits, take healthier options such as unflavoured nuts, fresh chopped fruits and veggies. Instead of soft drinks, go for freshly made juice. Instead of ice-cream, make your own by creating fruit popsicles using fruit purees.

Did you know that most of the vitamins we obtain come from the food we eat? A balanced diet usually provides enough vitamins A, B, C, D and E. But due to our hectic work schedule, sometimes our diets may be compromised.

Packed with all the vitamins and important minerals from a blend of 40 fruits and vegetables, PlusHealth Complete-Vita ($19.50) ensures you get your sufficient dose of vitamins daily.

Related Read: Is your child eating enough?

#4 They prioritize sleep

Want to reduce your stress levels, have better memory, live longer and spur your creativity? Get enough sleep. Studies have shown that adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.

In a 2009 study, the journal Pediatrics found that children ages seven and eight who got less than about eight hours of sleep a night were more likely to be hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive. Children who go to bed at the same time every night are also less likely to be obese.

Mums and dads, are you still feeling tired with all the sleep? Give HealthPlus Coconut Oil 100s ($28.00) a go. Coconut oil is a source of anti-oxidants, and improves energy, endurance and metabolism. The Coconut Oil 100s from HealthPlus does not utilize any solvents in the manufacturing process.

#5 They are close with their grandparents and parents in-laws

Connections between generations can have long-term benefits for grandparents, parents and children. A study done by the Journal of Family Psychology found that adolescents who had more grandparent involvement in their lives had fewer emotional problems and were more social than those who had less involvement. Be sure your kids and parents and parents-in-laws have plenty of time to connect and interact.

The next time you pay your parents or in-laws a visit, don’t go empty handed. Bring along a bottle of HealthPlus Garlic Parsley ($15.20) for them. It is a unique blend supports heart health and helps maintains healthy cholesterol levels. Garlic is also known as “nature’s antibiotic” for its compounds and parsley promotes digestion.

All mentioned supplements are available at EMED Pharmacy. For more information, go to

This article is contributed by EMED Pharmacy.

This was first published in The New Age Parents e-magazine.

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