To usher in the year of the Snake 🐍, we asked Feng Shui Master, Master Jo Ching, to share his insights on the Chinese zodiac forecast for 2025. Read on to find out what the year holds for you!

Chinese Zodiac Year of Snake 2025

zodiac reading for the rat in 2015

Animal Sign: Rat 子 🐁

Birth Years: 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960

The rat zodiac enjoys the company of many top-tier lucky stars in 2025 like Heavenly Nobleman, Tai Ji Nobleman, Dragon Virtue, Jade Hall and Emperor stars which will bring you superb career luck, exam luck, business luck, money luck and strong support from good people. It is time for you to embark on new business ventures or take a bold step to expand your current operation. People in corporate will see a rise in their profile, and receive good performance appraisal and recognition from the boss. While overall it is a very auspicious year in terms of career and remuneration, health is a major concern. The presence of the 6-Misfortune star and Sky Danger suggest that you need to take extra care of your well-being and safety especially if you need to visit cities which are affected by epidemics, floods and riots. You must stay away from very congested places because the Decline God and Sudden Failure can affect one’s immune system and subject you to high risk of infection. Going for blood donation, blood test, extraction of wisdom tooth and minor aesthetic procedure can, however, mitigate bad health luck.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Heavenly Nobleman, Tai Ji Nobleman, Dragon Virtue, Jade Hall, Emperor star

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: 6 Misfortune, Sky Danger, Decline God, Sudden Failure

zodiac reading for ox

Animal Sign: Ox 丑 🐂

Birth Years: 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961

Outlook for 2025: There is only one auspicious star that is coming to the house of the ox zodiac and it is known as the Talent star. This star will greatly benefit those who are carving a career in the education and research sectors, advertising, fine art, music and creative industries. School students who sleep in the West or Southeast sector of the house will do even better not just in their studies but also in their co-curricular activity like sports game. Presence of the White Tiger and Sky Cry stars usually implies a higher probability of meeting a traffic accident, bodily harm or surgery. So, do be careful if you are frequently on the road or if you are working in a more hazardous environment like the construction and ship-building sectors. People from the uniformed services like police and fire-fighting departments should also ensure that they are well-equipped with protective gears and always stay vigilant. In the corporate environment, White Tiger can also subject you to office politics and disputes especially with women colleagues and bosses.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Heavenly Nobleman, Fortune Virtue, Heaven Virtue, Fortune Star, Saddle,
Jade Hall

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Lonesome, Curl Tongue, Funeral Clothes

zodiac reading for the tiger

Animal Sign: Tiger 寅 🐅

Birth Years: 2022,2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950

Outlook for 2025: With these 3 White-Knight-star namely, Fortune Virtue, Heaven Virtue and Fortune star coming to bless you, any form of set-back in life, any challenges with work and any tension with friends and peers in the year of snake, they will all be smoothened out. Pay immediate attention to your elderly parents at home whenever they are not well because Funeral Clothes suggests that they are susceptible to severe illnesses – more so if they sleep at the Northeast sector of the house. Robbery sha implies loss of money which can be caused by lending money to friends, scams, gambling or literally getting robbed or pickpocketed. One way to reduce the ill-effect is to either donate some money to charity or lock your money up in time-deposit. Otherwise, you can also plan to invest in a big-ticket item like buying a house, a car or higher education for instance. While you are focusing on doing well in your daily job, do be careful of accidentally saying harsh words to your team mates, give politically incorrect comments both online and offline as Curl Tongue can steer you towards disputes, gossips, and serious misunderstanding with others.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Fortune Virtue, Heaven Virtue, Fortune Star

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Funeral Clothes, Robbery Sha, Curl Tongue

zodiac reading for the rabbit

Animal Sign: Rabbit 卯 🐇

Birth Years: 2023,2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951

Outlook for 2025: Any changes that come along this year is usually beneficial for your job prospect, personal development and of course your own pocket since Year Wealth is in your zodiac. There will be positive returns from your investment and for those who are your own boss, a well-planned business expansion can bring you more clients and increased revenue. Nevertheless, if you are always traveling for work or even holidays, do insure yourself adequately as the chances of getting into a little misfortune or inconvenience is there due to the presence of adverse stars like Disaster Sha and Hanging Guest. In case you would like to go for any form of aesthetic or medical procedure that could potentially leave you with ugly scars, I would suggest that you put on hold till the following year – unless you seek advice for an auspicious time in accordance to the Chinese Almanac to go for the operation. This is mainly caused by Sky Dog, which is a malefic star that is linked to scars, birth marks and skin pigmentation. So, for instance, if you really cannot wait to have a tattoo procedure on your eyebrows or other body parts, please make sure you go to a real professional and pick a good date to do it.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Year Wealth

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Disaster Sha, Hanging Guest, Sky Dog

zodiac reading for the dragon

Animal Sign: Dragon 辰 🐉

Birth Years: 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952

Outlook for 2025: Congratulations, love is in the air! For those who are in a courtship and planning to get married, the Sky Happiness star is the perfect recipe for this joyous occasion. And for those who are still single and looking for a romantic partner, as long as you participate in more social events or gathering sessions, you should be able to connect with someone you like. To enhance your love luck in 2025, you can try to spend more time in the east sector of your house. Else, you can also activate the love corner of 2025, which is in the east sector of your room, by placing pink flowers or aromatic candle to stimulate the energy. Dragon zodiac sees more undesirable stars this year. First of all, Lonesome star and Sky Killing usually disturb your mood and peace of mind when you are working overseas. In addition, the presence of both Goat Blade and Illness stars is a warning sign that you need to take extra care of your health and safety when traveling. Get yourself adequately insured whenever you need to travel. If possible, avoid self-drive during family vacations since it is easy for you to lose focus.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Sky Happiness

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Lonesome, Sky Killing, Goat Blade, Illness

Chinese Zodiac Year of Snake 2025

Animal Sign: Snake 巳 🐍

Birth Years: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953

Outlook for 2025: The snake zodiac offends the Tai Sui in 2025 and one will usually experience a lot of emotional stress and dilemmatic situations. It is advisable that you do not rush into making any important decision including marriage and investment. Health is one key area that you need to pay more attention to since Sword Edge and Lying Corpse stars can cause a person to be cut by sharp object or met with a blood-related injury during work. For ladies who are pregnant, this could imply going through an emergency c-section birth. If you love to spend time in the kitchen cooking for your family or friends, do stay focus when you are cutting up the meat. In this snake year, avoid swimming alone in deep water, scuba diving or competitive sea sports because Floating star, together with Blood Dagger can trigger water-related accident. Hopefully, the 2 danger-relief stars can reduce the extent of the negative impact. If you are thinking of switching job for a pay jump, the 8-Seat star and Golden Cart denote positive career movement. The conjunct of Bath and Back Stab stars strongly suggests that you stay away from unnecessary office love affair to prevent being hurt.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Relief God, Heaven Relief, 8 Seat, Golden Cart

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Tai Sui, Sword Edge, Lying Corpse, Floating, Blood Dagger, Bath, Back Stab

zodiac reading for horse

Animal Sign: Horse 午 🐎

Birth Years: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954

Outlook for 2025: A great year of fame, reward and positive energy for the horse zodiac especially for those who are planning to further their education overseas or applying for professional certification for the presence of two Academic excellence stars will aid them to score well. Whoever aspires to join the showbiz, beauty pageant or any form of talent-hunt program, the combination of Sun, Peach Blossom and Taiji Nobleman stars will elevate him or her into the limelight. People in senior corporate and academia positions, politics and civil service will experience a rise in social status and promotion at work because Heaven Doctor, together with all the benevolent stars, has arrived at your doorstep. However, you need to keep a distance from temptations due to the very lustful Salt Pool and Romance stars that may end up landing you in hot soup. Other stars like Sky Emptiness and Bad Qi are less impactful but they will still affect those working overseas to be invaded with a sense of emptiness and frustration. Engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and sports will certainly uplift the mood.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Sun, Heaven Doctor, Academic star, Academic Hall, Tai Ji Nobleman

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Peach Blossom, Salt Pool, Romance, Sky Emptiness, Bad Qi

zodiac reading for goatAnimal Sign: Goat 未 🐐

Birth Years: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955

Outlook for 2025: With no benefic stars that come to your zodiac, 2025 energy may be deemed a little bit rough for you. While it is not all gloom and doom, you need to be more independent and more vigilant so that you do not make silly mistakes at work or in your personal life. You need to plan wisely before embarking on any new endeavour – may it be a new project, a new business opportunity or a partnership. It is advisable that you do not quit without a job even the stress is unbearable at your work place. The presence of Funeral Door suggests that you avoid attending funeral wakes or visitation to hospital or even cemetery as it can result in you feeling lethargic and low in luck. However, if you have to go, then bathe yourself with sea salt or cleanse yourself with white sage smudge stick after your visit to those places. In case you need to deal with legal contracts, wills and sensitive information, please remember to double check all the important paragraphs, wordings, numbers before signing on the dotted line as the presence of Dividing Edge could subject you to disputes, complaints, brushes with law and scandals.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Nil

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Funeral Door, Dividing Edge

zodiac reading for the monkey

Animal Sign: Monkey 申 🐒

Birth Years: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956

Outlook for 2025: It is a positive year for the ladies in areas like study, career, business and mentor luck as the Moon is shining at them. This motherly-natured and virtuous star takes great care of the women. The good luck is further enhanced with the presence of Heavenly Nobleman which is a powerful star that blesses one, including the men, with many opportunities and guardian angels. There will be many occasions you will be introduced to important people that can open doors for you to achieve success. Therefore, 2025 is a year you should take a bold step to pursue your goals. Having said that, do be cautious about entangling in messy love affair because the 2 scandalous stars namely, the Hook and Lasso, can potentially wreck havocs in your love life. This can be further complicated by the Romance star which can lead to fatal attraction. In terms of health, Death God may trigger unexpected underlying health conditions. Therefore, immediately stop your exercise, take a rest and consult the doctor whenever you feel unwell.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Moon, Heavenly Nobleman

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Hook, Lasso, Romance Death God, Solitary

zodiac reading for the rooster

Animal Sign: Rooster 酉 🐓

Birth Years: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957

Outlook for 2025: With Golden Chest being a money star that brings in additional bonuses and income, you will enjoy good rewards and abundance in 2025. If you are planning to start a side gig or even a new business, you should grab this opportune time to have a good head start. For those climbing the corporate ladder, General star will prepare you for a promotion. Bosses will have big plans for you and even load you with new assignments to test your capability. Students will benefit from the 3-Stage since it gives rise to good academic achievement and support from good teachers. In addition, those who are representing the school in sports, games or any form of competitions will also enjoy good luck and receive rewards for their outstanding performance. Whenever 5 Ghost and Officer Talisman are present, one can become reckless and easily commit offences and get punished. Please do not attempt to challenge the laws or argue with law enforcers. It is better to be compliant and toe the line at work place and even in school campus. Hopefully, benevolent star like Earth Relief will watch over you and assist you when are in distress.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Golden Chest, General Star, 3-Stage, Earth Relief

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: 5 Ghosts, Officer Talisman

Chinese Zodiac reading for dog

Animal Sign: Dog 戌 🐕

Birth Years: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958

Outlook for 2025: Overall, a year of good returns on investment and even unexpected money luck can occur on you because of the presence of Heaven Wealth. In addition, many wise people and new mentors will appear in your life, giving you wonderful guidance and ideas to help you seek a career breakthrough – all thanks to Month Virtue. Also, the star Saddle will usher many good tidings and recognition for your hard work and effort put in. Hence, with all these excellent stars ready to bring your luck to the next level, do strike the iron when it is hot. On the flip side, Death Talisman is an argumentative star that can cause altercation with strangers. So do control your emotion and anger in the public. Do not let it affect your reputation. Small Loss is likely to cause you to misplace your wallet and mobile phone easily. Hence, guard your precious belongings properly in crowded places. If you are pregnant or planning for a baby in 2025, you must go for regular check-up for the combination of Passing Cloud and Flying Blade can cause complications or emergency medical situation. At times, minor accidents can occur at home. Nuptial Bird symbolizes that 2025 is a timely year to get married.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Heaven Wealth, Month Virtue, Saddle, Nuptial Bird

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Death Talisman, Small Loss, Passing Cloud, Flying Blade

zodiac reading for the pig

Animal Sign: Pig 亥 🐖

Birth Years: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959

Outlook for 2025: While it may be traditionally perceived as a roller-coaster year for zodiac sign to be clashing the Tai Sui, because the pig is in direct conflict with the energy of the snake year, do not be overly concerned because the omnipotent Emperor Seal Nobleman is the superhero coming to protect you. This is an A-Grade auspicious danger-relief star. On the other hand, do not be complacent and behave arrogantly. Due to the presence of Big Loss and Shatter, you need to avoid being a guarantor for loan, going to casino to gamble, investing in high-risk financial products and starting a business as the chance of suffering from failure is very high. Do not quit your job until you receive a confirmed offer. Hinder Pole suggests that for young children below 12 and seniors above age 60, they may run the risk of being hospitalized unexpectedly. On top of this, it is also important to stay away from earthquake-prone cities, water bungalows and even extreme sports so that you do not end up becoming a victim. 2025 is a year filled with movement and changes like moving house, change of work place and increase in business trips. Quite a busy year for you thanks to the Sky Horse which is a star of travel but great opportunities too.

Auspicious Stars for 2025: Emperor Seal Nobleman, Sky Horse

Inauspicious Stars for 2025: Year Breaker, Big Loss, Shatter, Hinder Pole

This article is contributed by Master Jo Ching.

Master Jo Ching (莊裕善老师) is the founder of DestinyAsia Global Consultancy and Master Trainer of Destiny Academy. Besides providing professional advice to clients on their home and office feng shui, destiny analysis and auspicious Chinese Name selection, he also conducts professional feng shui courses and corporate talks. He is frequently quoted by media like Lian He Wan Bao, Asiaone, The New Paper, RazorTV, Yahoo and etc. You are welcome to visit his company website or contact him at


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