Esther Lim, CEO and Founder of LEAP Schoolhouse shares with us some tips on how parents can make language learning fun, from A to Z!

language fun

Act it out Dramatisation never fails to excite.
Books Nothing beats a good read.
Connect text to real life Just read a story on butterflies? Take a trip to the garden and find one.
Draw and tell a story Instead of writing a story, draw one!
Excite Create a climax in the story by not finishing the last page of the book till tomorrow.
Find and learn Do a word focus game and look for a particular word in the book.
Gallery Walk Keep track of the cover page of the books read. Make a copy of it and create a gallery of books read.
Hi-5! Create a system of grading the books read just like how movie-buffs grade a movie.
I spy with my eye Look out for sub-words from a main word.
Journal Keep a little journal and jot down thoughts on what’s read.
Knapsack Keep a bag of items that are associated to characters that you have read in books.
Letter of the week Create a chart and look for words that are learnt that starts with the particular letter.
Model for a day Are you Goldilocks or could it be Little Red Riding Hood? Be in character for the day.
Nip and tuck Nip a little glue and tuck some bits of paper together to create a montage of a picture in your favourite book!
Orate Stand on a “podium” and do a recitation.
Poetry Reading need not be from books alone. Try poetry.
Quote Share a favourite line in the book and try to use it within the day
Record a story Listen to one’s recording reading a book.
Sing Need we say more?
Treasure hunt Write on little Post-Its parts of a familiar story and paste them all over the house. Piece the story right back!
Unique Me! Be ‘invisible’  for a day and record a video of the happenings around. Tell an adult what you ‘see’.
Vocabulary building Have a board to pin all new words learnt on it.
Write, write , write Not with a pencil but try something else. Chalk, charcoal, doesn’t matter!
‘X’ marks the spot Create a spot that allows for all words jibberish and silly to be said. A real fun way to introduce phonemic awareness.
Yahoo! Go online and learn a new word game to play together.
Zeal it up! Have loads of eagerness and laughter even at mistakes made.

By Esther Lim, CEO and Founder of LEAP SchoolHouse.

This article was first published in The New Age Parents e-magazine.

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