This Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, skip the flowers and forget the wallets. Give your mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law something they really need – the gift of good health! With no alcohol content and no added sugar, Huiji Waist Tonic is a great health supplement. It helps to overcome fatigue, nourish vital energy and promote blood circulation, in addition to its commonly known benefit of alleviating backache.

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Huiji Waist Tonic

Made of six premium natural herbs – Cordyceps, Ginseng, Du Zhong, Dang Gui, Shou Wu and Da Zao, all these premium herbs used are specially sourced. With state-of-the-art extraction technologies and a finer extraction of the essence and goodness of top-grade herbs, every drop of Huiji Waist Tonic is rich with nutrients and pleasant in taste. Every bottle of Huiji Waist Tonic contains a high content of herbs, the ingredient content will not be affected by the hike in prices of Chinese herbs.

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Assured Quality, Excellent for Body Nourishment

Huiji Waist Tonic production unit in Singapore has also received recognition as a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certified Factory – an enduring symbol of our stringent quality control. It has no alcohol content, no added sugar, no honey nor thickening agents. It is suitable for vegetarians.

For older parents, consuming Huiji Waist Tonic can help alleviate backache and overcome fatigue, so that they will not feel tired easily. For young or new parents, Huiji Waist Tonic can help build their vitality and nourish vital energy so they can enjoy the new chapter of their life.

Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Gift – Huiji Waist Tonic @ $49.80

Available on Shopee at only $49.80.

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