Have a fussy baby that won’t stop crying?
Dr Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician in Santa Monica who has about 30 years of experience, has released a useful and adorable video about the best way to calm down a fussy baby. This hold is great for babies 2 – 3 months old.
If your baby’s crying, all you have to do is…
1. Fold their arms over their chest
2. Secure their arms gently
3. Hold them at the diaper area
4. Rock at a 45 degree angle and…
5. Do a gentle booty shake!
Generally, by doing this, your baby will quiet down. If they don’t, they might be hungry or ill.
Watch the video to see how it works.
What do you think of this? Try it with your baby and see if it works! Share with us of your thoughts in our comments below!
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