She feels the pressure on her toes as she makes her turns.
One Plié, two Arabesques, three Pirouettes.
The steps engraved in her mind, after months of rehearsals.
Her hair is neatly pulled back into a bun, not a hair out of place.
She is poised, her posture upright, ready for her Act.
The curtain rises. A round of applause. The music starts.
The stage is hers.

Crestar Dance Concert

The language of ballet

An art that has been around for centuries, ballet is one of the most beautiful and disciplined forms of dance. Ballerinas seem to move effortlessly with grace; with their elegant twists, turns and leaps. But beneath those perfect Pirouettes comes hard work and discipline. Dancers not only need keen body awareness, stamina and flexibility, but they also need to have an ear for music; to move and flow as one entity.

Crestar School of Dance students displayed this poise, grace and rigour in their recent year end concert on 15 November 2015. Held at the National University of Singapore, University Cultural Centre Hall, the school staged their adaptation of the well-loved fairy tale “Sleepy Beauty”, with a few added modern twists in its use of music and fusion of other dance genres.


Performed by over 350 students from Abacus Plaza and Hougang Centres, each dance segment was carefully choreographed to allow students to express each scene and portray their character articulately, through the language of ballet. From the innocence of spring to the good-hearted fairies, students dazzled on stage with their smiles and refined steps. Costumes were also a major factor in a dance recital. From pastel-coloured tutus to sheer, shimmery fabric; the attire for each act added vivid appeal to their movements.

Crestar ballet classes

The performance not only showcased ballet, but also featured other dance genres. In the segment ‘Meow’, students were transformed into cool cats with their jazz sticks and slick choreography.

Crestar School of Dance - Jazz

In ‘Fall’, the movements leaned towards contemporary dance, to express the melancholic feel of Autumn.

Crestar School of Dance Concert - Fall

Cross-cultural influences, such as the Arabian-inspired dance in ‘Mystical Arabian Dream’ and a Polish Folk dance added a dash of surprise and variety.

Crestar School of Dance - Mystical Arabian Dream

Perhaps the most adorable act which elicited coos from the audience was by the Bebe Tot Class. Coming on stage as little butterflies, chickens and birds, it was endearing to these toddlers on stage. Some of the tiny dancers relished their stage moment and were engrossed in their recital, while others could not help but to smile and wave excitedly at their parents in the audience.

Crestar School of Dance - little chicks

The concert ended with a bang with an upbeat finale Bollywood act, where students grooved to the popular beat, “Jai Ho” from the film Slumdog Millionaire.

Crestar School of Dance

About Crestar School of Dance

The school has come a long way since 1977. Starting from humble beginnings, as a dance department under Yamaha Music School Singapore with just 250 students, the school has grown steadily through the years and now boasts 25 dance studios across nine countries, with a student base of over 4,000 per year. In October 2014, they launched their first Crestar Dance Arts Centre in Beijing, China.

Offering ballet courses for children from the age of 2.5 years all the way to young adults, the school is led by a team of accomplished full-time certified dance teachers, with certifications from the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD) and Beijing Dance Academy (BDA).

Besides ballet, they have also broadened their repertoire of dance programmes, offering students a diverse range to choose. Other dance courses available include Chinese Dance, Modern Jazz, Modern Theatre Dance, Contemporary Dance, Hip Hop, Belly Dancing, Rhythmic Gymnastics, and others.

Shine and Showcase their Talents

Besides concerts, performances at charity and community events, students also have the opportunity to travel abroad to countries such as Australia, New Zealand and China, to gain a deeper appreciation of dance and interact with ballet students from overseas. In June 2015, the school organised a Dance Study Tour to Perth, where students had an exchange program and trained with The Perth School of Ballet for a week. The school also offers scholarships to selected students, and there are also chances for them to compete in local and international competitions, to further enhance their performing skills.

Start your child off on firm footings with Crestar School Dance.

Enrollment for this year is now open.

For more details, go here.

Photos courtesy of Crestar School of Dance.

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