In this section of The New Age Parents, we will be featuring things, activities, events, places to visit in Singapore, government policies, even romantic restaurants in singapore. You are also welcome to contribute to us to make this a more informative and beneficial portal for our readers.
16 Museums To Visit In Singapore
Want to find out more about Singapore's rich and diverse culture? Check out the museums featured here.
6 Best Cafes For Mummies To Catch Up (Without The Kids!)
Looking for a comfortable café to catch up with your friends, savouring the aroma of excellent coffee, lingering over decadent morsels of tart and cake? Here are 6 cafes to choose from.
Scaling Great Heights At Forest Adventure
What's it like to be up amongst the trees, walking on wooden planks and climbing ropes? Here are some skills and values children can learn at Forest Adventure.
Excuse Me, Is Your Father A Minister?
How do we teach our children to view others achievements and successes especially when their peers come from a privileged background?
5 Tranquil Places To Visit In Singapore
Need to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life? We unearth five tranquil havens for a nice family weekend retreat.
8 Exciting Activities You Can Do At Sentosa Port of Lost Wonder
Have no clue what you can do at Sentosa Port of Lost Wonder (POLW)? We list down 8 fun filled activities you and your child can do there.
Make It A Date! Valentine’s Day Ideas and Gifts
Hot on the heels of the Lunar New Year is the season of chocolates and red roses. Yes, Valentines’ Day is coming! Here's a line up of 6 ideas for your celebration of love.
Raising A Child Without A Partner: How Can We Help Single Parent Families
What can we do as a relative, friend, or fellow citizen when we meet with single parents in our social circle? How can we show our support that they are also not alone?
Raising A Child Without A Partner: Plight Of Single Parents
Is a child from a single parent family less worthy than a child from a dual-parent household? Despite the modernity of our society, many people tend to judge single mothers.
Academic Success At What Cost – Part I
The best education in life is one that does not limit to academics. Do you agree?