Why KindyROO: Interview With Ai Ling, Director, KindyROO Singapore (Part III)
"I only begin to realize the potential of this program when both my younger children (aged 2 and 4) received extremely positive feedback from their preschool teachers."
So Much More To Play: Interview With Ai Ling, Director, KindyROO Singapore (Part II)
What is structured and unstructured play? Is there a difference? Are both important in your child's development? Learn more about play from our expert.
Not Just About Meeting Milestones: Interview With Ai Ling, Director, KindyROO Singapore (Part I)
It is all right to focus on your child's milestones as it is one of the clear ways of monitoring their progress. However, there are a few important things to note in monitoring milestones.
Interview with Ms. Pooja, Chief Curriculum Officer, Nurture Education Group
Ms. Pooja started teaching 13 years ago after attaining a Diploma in Early Childhood Education. She shares with TNAP her teaching journey and what kept her going through the years.
What’s It Like To Be A Male Preschool Teacher In Singapore?
What is it like to a male in a female dominated industry? Do they face prejudices from parents and their collegeaues? We spoke to a male preschool teacher to find out more.
26 Lessons I Learned After Becoming A Father: Interview With Peter Tao
Most parents tend to fall into the chasm of thinking we know everything, but in fact, there may be a multitude of things we can observe and learning from our children.
Interview with Matthew Gregory, Executive Producer of ABA Productions and Founder of KidsFest
Mathew Gregory, Executive Producer of ABA Productions and Founder of KidsFest, shares with us what the festival is all about and what are the shows not to be missed!
Interview With Dorothy Heng, Grandmother, Housewife And Member Of Ageless Theatre
"...majority of Singaporeans over the age of 50 feel five years younger than their actual age. For me, I’m 62 now, but I feel 35!" What's this grandmother's secret to feeling young?
Interview With Mr Satoru Saito, Pigeon Corporation R&D Center (Japan)
We asked Mr Satoru Saito from Pigeon Corporation R&D Center (Japan) about how babies suckle and how fathers help their wives in their breastfeeding journey.
Interview with Dr Lim Swee Teck, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry at T32 Junior
Meet Dr Lim Swee Teck, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry at T32 Junior, who is also known as 'Dr Friendly'. A modern day pioneer in children's dentistry, how did Dr Lim earn this title?