Do you have difficulties teaching your children the bar model method?
Seriously Addictive Mathematics has a series of video tutorials to show you how to use the bar model method to solve problems.
Watch part 3 of the series on Ratios.
The World’s Leading Program for Singapore Maths
Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is a multi-award-winning enrichment program based on the Singapore M.O.E Maths syllabus for children aged 4 to 12. The program is delivered through a combination of Classroom learning and Worksheets learning. Students learn Maths at their own pace, according to their own ability. The unique program is trusted by parents in Singapore as well as in 15 other countries including Malaysia, Thailand, India and the United States.
Where does your child stand in their level of understanding math concepts?
Call the S.A.M centre nearest to you and book a free math assessment with S.A.M today.
To find out more, visit or email
For more videos on Bar Modelling, visit Math Made Easy with S.A.M.
Also, read S.A.M’s ‘Exposing Your Child To Math At An Early Age Improves IQ’ series here!
Part 1: How Early Math Exposure Can Help Your Child Succeed
Part 2: How To Improve Your Child’s IQ
Part 3: Can IQ Be Improved By Doing Maths?
Part 4: 4 Things To Do At Home To Enhance Your Child’s IQ
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