The recent upsurge of global economic problems has caused most families to settle for instant foods sold in the supermarkets. Not only these are inexpensive but they are also easy to prepare.
The downside of these easily available foods is that they have no ability to provide us with the nutrition which our bodies need.
This has led to the instance of chronic malnutrition in a child in several countries like Nepal, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia and Madagascar. Recent studies have even shown that more than half of the underweight children in the world live in Asia.
It is if for this fact that parents should at least follow the steps below in order to prevent the increase in malnutrition cases among children:
#1 The best way to start up the fight against malnutrition in a child is through breastfeeding. The mother’s milk has natural antibodies that fight against diseases and provides the essential nutrients needed by the body for proper growth and development. Aside from nutritional value, breastfeeding is perfect to get through financial strains.
#2 Vegetables, grains and fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Parents could encourage their children to eat these foods as they creatively prepare the meals and initiate eating together.
#3 Avoid giving your children excessive amounts of sodium, sugar and salts.
#4 Provide vitamin supplements to make up for the daily recommended dietary allowance.
#5 Have your children undergo regular medical checkups. This could check underlying conditions that cause an unhealthy condition
In most cases, the following are signs that your child may be suffering from undernutrition:
- Weakness of the muscles – your child may have difficulty performing physical activities like playing, carrying his toys, or even running and jumping
- Bloating of the stomach
- Low energy and fatigue – like weakening of the muscles, your child won’t be able to perform actively in normal conditions
- Bleeding and swollen gums
- Dry and scaly skins
- Learning problems are also indicators of poor nutrition. Difficulty in reading or in understanding can be exhibited by a malnourished child.
- Underweight – your child is way far behind the ideal body mass for his age
- Poor growth – compared to his playmates or other children of his age, your child is quite too small when it comes to the height measurement.
- Unhealthy teeth are also an indicator of poor nutrition. This is because essential nutrients like calcium and protein are inadequately acquired.
No mother or father would want to see her or his child weak, fragile and generally unhealthy because of malnutrition. Caring for your own child also means promoting a healthier world in the future.
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