As a new parent, something as routine as changing a diaper in public can be a source of stress.

While this can be lessened with practice, it pays to know what might happen while you’re out with a young charge, and what to do when something comes up.

Going Out With Baby What Might Happen

Diaper leaks

Make sure you well-armed to clean up any mess. Babies can make a lot of waste and frequently too. Diaper leaks are very common and the mess tends to come out of the sides and even ride up the backs to stain their clothes, and sometimes your clothes too.

Try out diapers from different brands to see which one best contains leaks. Pack extra clothing for both of you, one diaper for every hour that you are out, a full pack of baby wipes, waste disposal bags, a changing mat and even an extra sling, wrap or baby carrier if you can because these leaks can happen whilst you are baby-wearing.

If your baby takes the stroller, bring along stroller liners to help contain the mess should a diaper leak.

Bring light entertainment along

At some point, you are likely to stay put, either to rest your feet or have some food and drink. But your baby might not like to stay put for long and may protest if you stop moving. To buy yourself some peace and time to rest, bring light entertainment along.

Opt for lightweight or fabric rattles, soft baby books that rustle when flipped or squeezed. If your baby is old enough and is teething, individually wrapped teething pegs will keep them busy for a while too.

Your baby needs food

Breastfeeding e-guide for mothers

Nursing rooms are a lifesaver if you’re a new nursing mother. Do a search on the web for nursing room reviews and plan your journey accordingly.

Plan your journey out and head to a mall where clean nursing rooms are available. You will find that a clean nursing room with good facilities will go a long way to making your outing less stressful.

Mothers who need to warm up milk bottles may find nursing rooms very useful as well. The better rooms even have hot water dispensers and washing facilities.

Overwhelmed in public

Babies cry when they need to communicate their needs. At times, they may get overwhelmed by all that is happening in the big, strange world they are suddenly thrust into.

Your best bet is to head to child-friendly places where people are likely to help you out, or to parks. Hopefully with open spaces, trees and a breeze, this may help to stimulate your little one enough without overwhelming him or her.

Anticipating what may happen when you are out with your baby and knowing what to do goes a long way to make your outing a more pleasurable one.

Don’t be afraid to ask other parents for their experiences too.

Gradually with practice, you’ll be more confident in making that first step out of the door after your baby is born!

This was first published in our e-book Your Baby’s Feeding and Growing Years.

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