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Getting The Work-Life Balance Right
Any working parent knows just how hard it is to juggle the competing priorities of family and career. Here are work-life balance tips to help you through.
Of Family And Fatherhood: Interview With 4 Singaporean Fathers
Dads, you matter too. Our writer speaks to 4 dads about their heartfelt thoughts on family and fatherhood.
5 Things Fathers Do That Are Underappreciated
Too often, we see the father's role as merely one of breadwinner or disciplinarian. But a real dad is so much more. Here are things fathers do that may go unnoticed.
Raising Boys To Be Good Men: 10 Things To Teach Your Son
Bringing up boys comes with its own set of challenges, with some special life lessons we want our boys to grasp. So how can we raise boys to be good men?
6 Easy Paypal Hacks Just for Parents
Time-starved parents can now have it all - combat the time-crunch, grow your career, and achieve the #superparent status using PayPal's hacks!
10 Kinds Of Flowers You Can Give Your Wife On Her Birthday
For your wife, there’s nothing quite like the sweet surprise of opening the door to a flower delivery on her birthday. Here are 10 kinds of flowers you can give her.
Fathers, You Matter Too! Benefits Of Father Involvement
Besides playing the provider role, a father's involvement in forming regular connections with his child are aspects to be strengthened, not neglected.
10 Simple Acts of Love To Show Your Kids
When it comes to showing our love to our children, it's not always about big gestures or lavish gifts. The smallest of things can make our children feel deeply loved and special.
Father’s Day Special: Interview With Kuah Eng Liang, CEO of Heguru Education Centre
Currently overseeing five Heguru Education centres, Kuah Eng Liang shares how he juggles work and fatherhood.
How I Saved My Family From Breaking Apart: True Story of A Father Beating The Odds
Irwan fell into financial difficulties after an accident and had to sell his flat. Every day, he struggled to make ends meet. Watch how Irwan coped with the difficulties.