The early years can be tumultuous. How do you take care of your new born? What are the signs and symptoms of common childhood illness and how do you know if your baby is developing fine? Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your baby.
Can Babies Recover From Brain Injuries?
The brain runs everything in the body and is the easiest organ to influence and to change. Find out more about how The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential help babies with brain injury grow and develop.
Interview With Janet Doman: Boosting Your Baby’s Intelligence
In this exclusive interview, The New Age Parents caught up with the renowned infant and brain development specialist, and she shares with us how parents can help to stimulate their baby's intelligence.
How Can I Make My Baby Like Milk And Gain Weight?
My baby dislikes milk. How can I make her like milk and gain weight? There are many reasons why your baby may start to refuse milk. Dr Goh Siok Ying, SBCC Baby and Child Clinic, shares her insight
My Baby Has Heat Rash
My 2-week-old baby is breaking out in heat rash with pus. I usually dress him in a cotton tee/romper, diaper and muslin cloth swaddle. But he still perspires a lot... Should I just stop swaddling him?
A Chinese Name For Your Baby
Before the gender of the child is determined, most parents are already thinking of names for their baby. Similar to English names, Chinese names are very profound and meaningful.
Decoding Your Baby’s Urine
Far from just being useless waste your baby expels; urine provides vital insight into his or her health. Here's a list of normal and abnormal appearances of your baby's urine.
My 2 Month Old Baby Has Trouble Sleeping
My 2 month old son has trouble sleeping from 5 - 7am... Even after feeds, he'll be half asleep and keeps fussing till about 730 am. Can you advice what's the problem and what can we do to help him sleep better?
The New Age Parents Health Experts
The New Age Parents is proud to introduce our panel of experts from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic, Thomson Paediatric Centre and SBCC Women’s Clinic.
Congenital Heart Disease: Hole In The Heart
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the term used for any abnormality of the heart due to faulty development before birth. A hole in the heart is a type of simple CHD that changes the normal flow of blood through the heart.
Basic First Aid And CPR For Your Baby
Babies can bring much joy to a family and because they are vulnerable, it is the responsibility of caregivers and parents to have first aid knowledge and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills.