“Sugar and spice and all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of.”

What’s life like for mothers with all daughters and no sons? Apart from the likelihood that there’s a whole lot more pink and glitter around the house, here are 10 things we like about having just girls.

Mummy and daughters

1. No pee on the face (or our clothes or walls or furniture)

You may laugh, but it’s true! Any mother of boys will be quick to testify what a test of your muscle coordination and speed it is to change a little boy’s diaper. Especially in the dark. Projectile pee is pretty much a common event on their calendar. With girls, your chances of getting hit in the face is a lot less likely…

2. Fun to dress up

Little girls are like live dolls for mums to play dress up! Just look into any children’s wear shop and you’ll find yourself spoilt for choice where togs for the little lady are concerned. The boys would be lucky to have more than a few shelves relegated for them. And not just pretty party frocks, tulle skirts and sequined tees – little girls have a huge array of matching bags shoes, jewellery and hair clips to choose from as well! You can never have too many accessories, they say. Of course, something many mums of girls love to do is to dress up all matchy-matchy with their mini-me, and there are a lot more options to do that in style now.

Diah's 3 daughtersMummy blogger Diah Matsura’s three daughters. Image credit: Diah Matsura from Etrangle

3. Less toilet woes

It’s pretty easy to teach little girls to use the toilet. Just put the lid down, sit, and do your thing. It’s the same process whether they want to pee or poo. Expect a lot less mess and no unsightly drops of pee all over the floor and toilet seat cover…

4. The maternal instinct

Observe your girls with their dolls and stuffed toys, and chances are you’ll find yourself smiling at how much of yourself you see in her. Little girls are often great caretakers of their stuffed animals and Barbies and can be very nurturing and protective towards their younger siblings as well. The “mothering” instinct is strong.

5. Girly dates

The 10 Best Things About Having All Girls

You can plan all sorts of fun girly dates with your mini-me, things you could never do with boys around. Book mani-pedi dates, or enjoy an indulgent high tea; watch a chick flick with your tween, or flip through magazines with your teen, or take up a baking or beading course together. Of course, not all girls are into the so-called “girly stuff”, but chances are you’ll find a few ways you can easily engage with your daughter’s interests.

6. They remember birthdays better

In general, girls are more likely to remember events like birthdays and anniversaries and to make a special effort to celebrate these times. She’ll make you a card, buy you a gift, or arrange a vase of flowers just for you. She might even serve you breakfast in bed! Again, no one’s saying sons don’t do these things, but girls are generally better at remembering those dates that matter.

7. Been there, done that

As a mum, you were a girl yourself once, a long time ago. You’ll be able to more fully understand and appreciate the various emotions and struggles your daughters go through, like getting her pigtails pulled by the school bully, feeling anxious about making friends at the new school, getting her period, having an unrequited crush, and wanting to pierce her ears and wear make-up. Before you chide her for her naivety or downplay her insecurities, think back on your own growing-up experiences and what it felt like for you as a young girl and teen. Therein lies the strength of your empathy and the value of your presence in her life as she goes through each phase of womanhood.

8. Watch her bloom into Daddy’s princess

activities for fathers and daughters to bond

They say that a daughter helps you love your husband more when you see the love that they have for each other. A daughter will always be daddy’s little girl, and you will see a protective side of your husband you may never have noticed before. Strangely enough, jealousy will be out of the picture, leaving only pride and joy, when you see your husband becoming the most important man in your daughter’s life.

9. Better appreciation for your mum

Now that you’re a mum of daughters, you’ll gain a better understanding of the internal heart struggles your own mother must have gone through when she was raising you. Perhaps now you understand why she wanted you to wait to have your ears pierced. Or why it was that important to her that you called home anytime you were going to be back late.

10. Best friends

Sisters often make the best friends, and one big factor is, funnily enough, the shared wardrobe space! Who doesn’t like having twice the number of outfits they would have had otherwise? Of course, the clothes swaps can also become a source of occasional tension among sisters as well.

9 Activities For Mothers And Daughters To Bond

“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend.”

As she grows up, your daughters can also become your best friends. Don’t let current issues define your relationship with your daughters. Keep on hoping and trying and talking and laughing and crying together, and one day you will look back and see how very far you have come as mother and daughter.

By Dorothea Chow.

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