Mathematics can be an intimidating subject for kids. If you are trying to teach mathematics to your kids, you may encounter some difficulties. While teaching math to your children, focus both on conceptual as well as analytical ability.
When you sit and discuss the problems of your children in mathematics, ask them about what they tried to do and what they could not do. At which step they have faced problems, is an important thing to know. Make sure that you interact freely with your children and remove any element of fear when you are teaching children mathematics.
You must remember that most concepts in mathematics are spiralled, that is they can be understood only after a period of time, as their application becomes clearer. Basically, you can move from one topic to another, when your child knows both how and why about it.
Few ways in which it will be easy for you to explain mathematical concepts to your children are:
1. Teaching numbers:
When you start teaching numbers to your kids, begin by naming the numbers and then move on to counting. The idea is that your children should know numbers and they can practice by rhymes, like one two three buckle my shoe. Make it fun for your kid to name all numbers they know.
2. Counting things:
Practice with your children counting by using simple day to day things like chips, pets, candy etc. You should praise them for right counts and encourage them to move up to group counting from one by one counting. You will have to tell your children that counting in groups is faster and more beneficial. At times, they fail to see how better it is to count in groups. Counting will later form the basis of addition subtraction, so this concept should be very clear.
3. Jumping numbers:
Children have difficulty with ones place and tens place, so if they are reciting count loudly, they may jump from one to other. This should be watched out for. Kids may jump from fifty six to sixty seven, due to confusion. You must ensure that they keep the count sequential.
4. Application of mathematics:
Children respond very well when they are shown how they can apply concepts taught to them in regular daily life. You can encourage them to use concepts learned in mathematics, to be applied in their daily life. When children relate mathematics to their daily lives, they learn faster and become more interested in taking the learning ahead.
5. Tools based teaching:
Tools like boards, books, manipulative are handy in teaching mathematics to children. You can use drawings, papers, charts to instill formulas etc. Geometric and other measuring tools also form a good set of tools to teach measurements to younger children.
Teaching children mathematics will require good concentration, focus & planning. You should concentrate not only on learning concepts but on the fact that they can apply these concepts also To avoid making it a boring exercise, involve a lot of practical activities for your kids.
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