Are you a parent searching for a preschool that not only nurtures your child’s mind and heart but also teaches them the importance of sustainability? Look no further than KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse’s newest centre in Jurong Gateway.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse Jurong Gateway Early Preschool

This eco-friendly preschool combines innovative learning with a commitment to the environment. With a mission to nurture minds and hearts for a future of success, KiddiWinkie Schoohouse’s newest centre in Jurong Gateway is not just a preschool – it’s a sustainable haven for children to grow and learn in harmony with the environment.

Join KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse on a journey towards a greener future, where education and environmental consciousness go hand in hand. Let’s find out how!

Energy Efficiency and Ecological Resilience

The Jurong Gateway centre sets a new standard for sustainable practices. It is designed to operate as a net-zero energy premise, maximizing energy efficiency. Utilising solar panels, the centre harnesses the power of the sun, while integrated energy and control systems ensure optimal use of lighting and air-conditioning.

Large windows allow for ample natural ventilation, and heat-reflecting paint helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, all while reducing energy consumption!

Use of Sustainable Materials and Upcycling

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse takes pride in using environmentally friendly materials with green label certification. By reducing the institution’s ecological footprint and promoting energy and water savings, the centre serves as a model for sustainable construction.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse Jurong Gateway Premium preschool

Moreover, through a dedicated recycling setup, children are encouraged to embrace upcycling, fostering a sense of responsibility and creativity in repurposing materials.

Cook in a Fully-Furnished Child-Friendly Kitchen

A major highlight of the Jurong Gateway centre’s curriculum is the Cook and Bake Child-Friendly Kitchen. Children have the opportunity to explore various culinary cultures, develop essential kitchen skills, and even learn basic dining etiquette.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse at Jurong Gateway Child-Friendly Kitchen

By fostering positive relationships with food and promoting healthy eating habits, KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse encourages children to make conscious choices for themselves and the environment.

Enjoy Embedded Enrichment: Tech Crafters

Exclusive to the Jurong Gateway centre, Tech Crafters offers an exciting embedded enrichment programme that sparks creativity and problem-solving abilities. Through unplugged coding activities, children engage in hands-on experiences that enhance logical and structural thinking.

By tapping into their knowledge, reasoning, and creativity, children develop the skills needed to thrive in the digital age while cultivating a love for learning.

Unplug with Outdoor Adventures and Gardening Experiences

The expansive outdoor space at the Jurong Gateway centre provides children with opportunities for exploration and imaginative play. Water play areas, sand pits, and a cozy reading nest offer endless avenues for discovery.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse Jurong Gateway

Additionally, the centre features an eco-garden with a bamboo wall and an explorer garden where children actively engage in gardening activities, gaining firsthand experience with nature and the farm-to-plate concept. The Hydro Sprouts hydroponics vertical garden also allows children to participate in growing and harvesting edible vegetables, deepening their understanding of sustainable food production.

Relaxing Sensory Oasis for Infants

As pioneers in early childhood education, KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse introduces the Sensory Oasis for Infants at the Jurong Gateway centre. This specially designed dark room promotes relaxation, development, and stimulation in young children.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse Jurong Gateway Preschool

By creating a serene and comfortable environment, children’s learning and growth are enhanced, enabling them to have enriching educational experiences.

Embrace a Green Future with KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse

Join KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse on the path to a sustainable future at their Jurong Gateway centre. This eco-friendly preschool provides a nurturing environment where children can flourish academically, emotionally, and environmentally.

KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse at Jurong Gateway

Book a tour today to explore the cutting-edge facilities, experience the comprehensive curriculum, and witness firsthand how KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse prepares children for a successful and sustainable future!

Book Now

This post brought to you by KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse.

By Joanne Heng.

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