PEM Confinement Nanny Agency TNAP Editor's Awards

Your baby is arriving, but you’re worried about how to manage a newborn. You also need time and space to recover after giving birth but wonder how you can juggle postpartum recovery and look after your baby at the same time.

You could be a new parent who doesn’t have experience taking care of a newborn, and would greatly appreciate a pair of experienced hands to help you and baby during your confinement period.

PEM Confinement Nanny Agency – for a hassle-free confinement period

If you’re looking for a skilled and professionally trained confinement nanny, PEM Confinement Nanny Agency is the largest, most established confinement nanny agency in Singapore with a team of over 400 nannies!

PEM Confinement Nanny Agency (PEM) has been around for over 30 years and their nannies receive constant in-house training, ensuring that they are always well-equipped to look after you and your baby during confinement.

PEM Confinement Nanny

How can a PEM confinement nanny help me?

During confinement, a PEM confinement nanny will take care of both your needs as well as your baby’s needs.

For mothers, the confinement period is the most crucial period to recovery after childbirth. How well you rest, eat and look after yourself will have long-term effects on your health.

You will have several postnatal needs such as:

  • Replenishing your body with nutrients
  • Breastfeeding
  • Wound recovery, personal care and hygiene
  • Having adequate rest
  • Learning and practising skills to look after your newborn
  • Managing mental, physical and emotional health

Your baby will also require:

  • Day and nighttime feeds
  • Frequent diaper changes and daily baths
  • Being soothed to sleep
  • Attention and care to growing needs

“I’m really grateful to have Auntie Soo Cheng from PEM Confinement Nanny Agency helping me throughout my confinement as I’m really clueless on how to take care of a newborn as I’m a first-time mother,” shared Lian Meiting.

Having a professionally trained confinement nanny will help to ensure you have enough support for both you and baby and you can focus on recovering well during the confinement period. 

What are some services that PEM confinement nannies can support me and baby with?

  1. Confinement food and breastfeeding support

PEM confinement nannies are like your close consultants who are well-versed with the challenges and experiences that you face as a new mother.

PEM confinement nanny in Singapore

They are trained with basic Traditional Chinese Medicine and lactation knowledge. With this knowledge, they can whip up health-boosting confinement dishes, tonics, and soups to improve your well-being and to keep your energy levels high!

Why is confinement food so important?

Confinement meals include ingredients that are chosen for their medicinal properties to rebuild your health as childbirth results in excessive blood loss that drains your ‘qi’ (energy) away. The ingredients in these meals help boost your breastmilk supply too, such as green papaya.

A trained confinement nanny would use a combination of the following ingredients:

  • Ginger – To keep the body warm and eliminate ‘wind’ inside the body
  • Red fermented wine – Raises metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels
  • Pig trotters, livers, and kidneys – Have high protein and iron content, gelatinous collagen, and promote blood circulation
  • Herbs and medicinal foods like Chinese Angelica root and black fungus – To regulate the menstrual cycle, improve vitality, and cleanse the arteries
  • Green papaya – To boost lactation
  • Sesame oil – Improves blood circulation and treats conditions like inflammation and constipation
  • Red dates – Have a calming effect on new mothers and help with postpartum depression

Breastfeeding can be challenging as you could struggle between not producing any breastmilk for the first few days, to having engorgement, to regulating your breastmilk flow and pumping vs latching-on.

PEM confinement nannies are breastfeeding-friendly and can provide you with lactation guidance and mental support for a better breastfeeding experience.

Drinking more fluids boosts your breastmilk supply, hence, PEM confinement nannies will also brew herbal tonics and red dates tea for you to have your daily intake of fluids.

  1. Support your personal health and hygiene

The first few weeks of postpartum are challenging with body aches, pain from episiotomy or C-section wounds, heavy blood flow and cramps, and lactation issues.

Keeping physically clean whenever possible is important for mothers to recover quickly as well, as postpartum wounds may get infected without frequent cleaning. Having a clean body also keeps the baby healthy as you may want to do latch-on for breastfeeding.

PEM confinement nannies will prepare daily confinement herbal baths for you so you can upkeep your personal health and hygiene.

  1. Allow you to have adequate rest and teach you skills to look after your baby

On average, a baby drinks milk every two to three hours, even during the night as their stomachs are still small. To ensure you have adequate rest, PEM confinement nannies take care of nighttime feeding.

During the day, you may not be able to bathe your newborn or do housework due to recovering from your wounds. PEM confinement nannies will help bathe your newborn and perform simple cleaning duties like sweeping and mopping the floor twice a week so you can focus on your recovery.

“It took me almost two weeks to feel better so I’m extremely thankful for Aunty Chan from PEM Confinement Nanny Agency who took such good care of my baby while I focused on my recovery,” shared Lucinda Zhou, a first-time mother.

At the same time, the nannies will also show you how to bathe your baby, change your baby’s diapers, burp your baby after feeds, and teach you an assortment of other tips and tricks to ease your baby.

PEM Singapore confinement center

Why choose PEM confinement nannies?

Besides all the benefits you and baby will experience above, PEM Confinement Nanny Agency has an in-house training centre where nannies go through over 200 hours of baby and mother care in-house training, including basic TCM training.

They will then go through a performance review with a strict evaluation by the trainer. Nannies have compulsory annual medical check-ups and insurance provided by PEM Confinement Nanny Agency.

PEM takes quality control seriously via customer feedback; hence, it offers you a free two-time replacement, 365 days of customer service, and they also have in place a refund policy.

How can I engage a PEM Confinement nanny?

PEM Confinement Nanny Singapore

If you need an extra pair of helping hands to help ease your confinement period, visit to learn more about PEM confinement nannies and to engage their services!

You can also contact them through the following ways:

Tel: 6293 9249 (daily from 10am – 7pm)
IG: @pemconfinementnanny
Facebook: @PEMConfinementNanny

This post is brought to you by PEM Confinement Nanny Agency.

By Julia Chan.

PEM Confinement Nanny Agency TNAP Editor's Awards

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