Learning and Behaviour
My Child Doesn’t Like To Read, What Can I Do?
The trick to cultivating readers is to instill good, sustainable reading habits, and showing that reading is valued. Here's what you can do at home.
Can Children Really Learn From Game Apps?
How can I ensure that my toddler or preschooler is really learning from these game apps and not playing mindlessly?
My Child Is Addicted To The iPad and iPhone
My child is addicted to my iPad and throws a fit when I take it away. How can I wean him off?
Besides IQ: Important Qualities Every Child Needs
Besides IQ, research also reveals other factors involved in determining a child's success later in life.
8 Games to Turn Your Kid Into a Creative Thinker
It's hard to make coding or engineering fun, but these games manage to do so! Develop your child's creative and design thinking skills with these fun games.
How To Inspire Kids to Do Their Best
How can we inspire our children to do their best and pursue excellence? We speak with an expert to find out more.
The Place To Visit This School Holiday: eXplorerkid Indoor Playground
Not just your usual indoor playground, here's why you need to bring your kids eXplorerkid this school holiday!
4 Things To Do At Home To Enhance Your Child’s IQ
Do you know you can enhance your child's IQ at home? Research shows it is possible to create a highly conducive environment for cognitive and emotional growth.
Raising A Money-Smart Child
In our 'Raising A Money-Smart Child' series, learn how you can manage your finances and teach your child to be money-smart in this cashless society.
Teaching Our Children To Do Good
How can we teach our children to go beyond themselves? To groom children to be capable individuals, it is equally crucial for them to be shaped by good values.