This section is a collection of articles on Pre-School.
Special Needs Education In Singapore
When we talk about Special needs education, normally these two terms will be heard - integration and inclusion. What do they mean?
Parents’ Challenges Of Raising A Child With Autism
Financial difficulties, managing workload and supporting ageing parents. These are some common woes of a typical local household. But what about families supporting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Reinforcing Your Child’s Curiosity
Curiosity is what makes people learn. There is a need for all parents to bring out the curiosity in their child, however, your child does not have to have the same interests as you.
7 Commonly Asked Questions on Gender Identity Disorder
Femininity and masculinity is generally instilled in children early on in their pre-school years. Here are 7 commonly asked questions on Gender Identity Disorder.
To Cane Or Not To Cane
Caning children are up in the air as to whether it is right or wrong. Many parents use this method of punishment as it was the way they were brought up and it works.
JD Bug Training Bike
The JD Bug Training Bike is an ergonomically-designed training bike that comes with an attachable gearbox to allow the child to pedal.
Creating A ‘Sensory Diet’ For Your Child
A 'Sensory Diet' refers to a carefully designed and personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a person needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day.
Nature Drawing For Children
Nature is an excellent teacher & a powerful tool. She teaches young learners the power of observation.
My Child, A Bully?
Besides doing well academically in school, parents would hope for their children to be socially adept as well. But what happens when parents find out their child is a bully in school?
Helping Your Child Cope With His/Her Pet’s Death
A child’s ability to understand the death of a pet depends on their cognitive & emotional development. Some points to note when dealing with children whose pets have succumbed to the hands of death