As parents, we all want to have a positive influence on our children, and impart the right values and morals to them in their growing years. Sometimes we wonder if we are teaching them all that we should, and doing all that can be done. We may often feel anxious because we can’t really tell how much our children are really internalizing for themselves, and how much they understand.
We polled a group of mums to find out what they feel are the most important lessons in life that they want their children to learn. Here are our top five picks.
#1 Work for what you want
Our children need to own their own dreams and successes. Responsibility, accountability and excellence are all virtues that we want our children to live by, even from a very young age.
“Nothing in life is free. They need to work hard to get what and where they want.” – Delphine
#2 Be thankful
The antidote to worry is simple – a heart that is thankful. We want our children to dream big, but yet not to hanker constantly after bigger, better, grander things to come. Contentment is truly a great gain, and it starts from these early playground days.
“I hope that she will be thankful in big things and small, that she will always count her blessings.” – Angie
#3 Always do your best
Contrary to public opinion, many parents are not pushing their children to fill their report cards with their teachers’ praise and many A-stars. However, we do want them to give of their best in whatever they set out to do, and this spirit of excellence can be cultivated from the moment when they learn to feed themselves, for example.
“The world needs more awesomesauce – add to it whenever you can. Work hard and try your best, especially when it comes to reducing Worldsuck.” – Deborah
#4 Love yourself
It’s not just a girl thing. Both boys and girls need to develop healthy self-esteem and self-worth before they can grow up into mature and emotionally healthy adults who will contribute positively to society. Our children need to know they are uniquely and wonderfully made, and that they don’t have to match up to their peers in order to be accepted.
“I want her to know that she is unique and special in her parents’ and God’s eyes.” – Dee
#5 Be a blessing
The world doesn’t need “just another human”. They need YOU and ME. We want our children to recognize that they have a potential and purpose for existing, and to seek to be a blessing to the people in their lives. This can be nurtured through opportunities to serve the community or helping them discover their natural gifts and talents from a young age.
“I believe that every child has a unique purpose for coming into this world, and it’s not our journey to take – it’s theirs.” – Dorothea
By Dorothea Chow.
We also asked parents on The New Age Parents Facebook what are the 3 life lessons they would teach their child.
What are yours? Share them with us and comment below!
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