When you’re living in a country that enjoys summer all year round, take advantage of the good weather to experience the great outdoors!

A new hour-long special on Discovery Channel – Man, Woman, Child, Wild, however, takes things to the extremes. Explorer and survivalist Ed Stafford takes his wife, Laura, and their two-year-old son on an epic adventure on a deserted Indonesian island for a month in search of a healthier family life off the grid.

Man, Woman, Child, Wild Discovery ChannelPhoto credit: Discovery Channel

Throughout the episode, the Staffords encounter numerous challenges and unforeseen situations that test their grit and family bond.

While we do not encourage running off to a deserted island with a tot in tow, here are some benefits to getting the little kiddos off their devices and experiencing just how fun the great outdoors can be.

Spark their curiosities

Children are naturally inquisitive but can easily lose that sense of wonder when they fall into the comforts of a daily routine life indoors, with computer and TV screens in close proximity.

Pushing them outside of their comfort zones and into nature is sure to ignite the positive cycle of learning.

How To Raise A Child Who Loves Nature

Encourage them to explore the wonders of the outdoors through safe, self-initiated and playful experiences and you never know, you might be nurturing a mini Ed Stafford!

Go back to basics

Every now and then, venturing out into nature is a refreshing chance to disconnect from the never-ending load of information from the television, tablets and screens.

Greenery and nature

Your kids will also get the chance to experience nature’s beauty – from seeing squirrels up close to witnessing a beautiful sunrise over the ocean or taking in spectacular views from a treetop walk, there is beauty to be found everywhere.

Build stronger family bonds

Disconnecting from our always-online lives will also allow our children to connect with us in new and unprecedented ways. And no, there isn’t a need to travel to a desert island to experience this – even small challenges like prawning or hiking up a steep hill will help to foster connections that will bring the entire family closer together.

Get their creative juices flowing

Speaking of challenges, nothing helps children put on their creative thinking hats like a little problem or two. Encourage them to think up solutions for the small issues they encounter along their journey in nature. For example, take them on a camping trip and ask them to think of ways to make the sleeping situation more comfortable.

exploring outdoors with your child

Or ask them what they’d do to make catching fish more efficient. You never know the gems of wisdom that they can offer and we’re sure that they will feel great about contributing too!

Foster a sense of appreciation

At the end of a day out in nature, your little one is sure to experience a newfound appreciation for the comforts of your home.

Foster this sense of gratitude for the things they might otherwise take for granted by regularly venturing out into the outdoors. You may even find them whispering their thanks for the air-conditioning the next time they switch it on!

By Discovery Channel.

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