Original Sprout Singapore Hair and Shampoo for kids

The quality time spent together between father and daughter is crucial, at all stages of a girl’s life.

Spend quality time with your daughter today.

Even if it’s just tying her hair.

Healthy Hair, Beautiful Memories. Made easier with Original Sprout.

See also: Here are easy to follow cute hair styles you can do for your girl!

Original Sprout Products

See also: No More Knots! A Kids Hair Detangler That Works Instantly

Baby shampoo brand

Original Sprout is a California based family brand and is founded by Inga Tritt, a master stylist. With a large following by Hollywood celebrity mothers, the brand has a strong ethical philosophy and promotes an environmentally-friendly lifestyle by using ingredients that are eco-friendly. All Original Sprout products are made up of 100% vegan and free from harmful chemical such as Parabens and Sulfates, making it safe for newborns and above.

Available at Watsons, Kiddy Palace, Motherswork, 1010 Mother & Child.

Website/Online store: originalsprout.com.sg

For more updates on their promotion and sample giveaway, visit @OriginalSproutSG

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