
My son is three and half yrs old and I sometimes find it difficult to make his concentration focus when doing his work.

Play In The Beach - photo by Hortongrou

He has no problems keeping still while watching an hour long cartoon or playing toys but he gets distracted easily whenever he has to sit and complete a piece of work.

I started using the reward system, a simple snack or game, if he finishes his work. But he continues to be distracted.

Every session is no more than 30 minutes of flashcards, writing, colouring, sticker fun, maths, phonics etc… there is always a variety designed into the program each day.

Friends tell me that based on their experience; I have to do something now as children will not grow out of this behaviour if not corrected when they are young.


Make learning fun for your child. Parents know best the kinds of things that appeal to their children. For example, if it is toy cars that they like, we could do colouring activities on cars, counting toy cars, playing games with car themes, etc.

It also helps to create some novelty on the things that you do with your child. For example it could be doing some of the activities out of the house.

You may also plan a time in the day that your child will be most ready to learn without any distractions from TV programmes or people around him.

Set little goals that your child can achieve and celebrate little successes. Consider adding some physical activities to help your child develop his gross motor skills too. Exercising also helps the child to concentrate and focus better.

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