Charlene Low has two boys with her husband of nearly four years. Before their second son was born, they set aside one night a week for date night. The couple also loves to travel together, both with and without kids. Even after becoming parents, they’ve managed to travel to Korea, Vietnam, Langkawi, Phuket, Taiwan and China.
Charlene and her husband have their hands full with two kids less than two years apart. Here, she shares glimpses into their parenting journey, and the moments that made her truly appreciate the man she married.
TNAP: How did your husband help you cope during those early days right after you and the baby came home from the hospital? What about after you gave birth to another baby?
Our confinement nanny arrived shortly after we got home from the hospital. She needed us to get quite a number of things, such as certain confinement cooking ingredients, and my husband would go with her to buy them. It was great having him deal with all of that whilst I rested.
Seeing my husband changing diapers, soothing the baby when he was crying, taking over some of the bottle feedings, and just generally doing his best to make himself useful made me feel like I wasn’t alone.
When our second kid arrived, my husband did spend more time with our first kid especially when the little one needed to sleep or be fed.
TNAP: How do you split or share parenting responsibilities?
Since our kids are still so small, my husband and I handle most of the parenting responsibilities together. But sometimes I work on the weekends, so he’ll take our boys for jabs and play with them until I’m done. He also takes care of sporty things like kicking a ball around with them while I’m usually the one who does the reading and singing.
TNAP: What are the specific ways your husband has helped and supported you during your motherhood journey?
I was determined to breastfeed but initially it was very hard. What I appreciated most was the support and encouragement my husband gave me during this period. He never gave me stress or put me down. Instead he encouraged me all the way. It was during this period that I truly appreciated the man I married: someone who was supportive of what I wanted instead of asking me to take the easy way out.
TNAP: What do you think is the bravest thing or biggest sacrifice your husband has made for the family?
He gives his time to us. He gives up the time to sleep in and sacrifices drinking with his buddies to spend time with us.
TNAP: What is something new you’ve learned about your husband since seeing him as a dad?
I’ve learnt that he is such a softie at heart who can’t really say no to his kids.
TNAP: Favourite memory of your husband and the kids or favorite thing to see him do with the kids?
My favourite memory is of him passing out on the couch holding our sleeping newborn in his arms. It had been a particularly difficult night; the baby wasn’t sleeping and my husband had spent a long time trying to get him to sleep. They both finally got so tired that they just passed out. It was such a heartwarming sight.
My favourite thing to see is my husband playing with the kids. Any kind of play makes me happy.
By Jenny Tai
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