Primary 1 Preparation Guide MindChamps

If your child is entering Primary 1
next year, we have the perfect
all-in-one reference for you.

MindChamps Enrichment Academy presents the Ultimate P1 Preparation E-Guide, a comprehensive compendium containing all the information you need to ensure your child starts Primary 1 on a high note, such as:

Ultimate P1 Preparation E-Guide MindChamps

You’ll also find useful activities and exercises that your child can try out, as well as a handy checklist that summarises all the key learning milestones in a Primary 1 student’s school readiness journey.

At MindChamps Enrichment Academy, we believe that it’s always more important for a child to know how to learn rather than just what. Our programmes equip young minds with the tools and mindset they need to succeed in an increasingly uncertain world.

We offer three programmes to support your Primary 1 child in adjusting to a new curriculum and learning environment.

MindChamps Primary 1 new curriculum and learning environment

learn more about the programmes

Keen to Find out More about Our Programmes?
Contact us at 8332 0020 or

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