What drives a child’s learning dispositions – those behaviours and attitudes that support his or her life-long learning?

Mindset plays a pivotal role in influencing a child’s thinking and hence learning dispositions, how he or she engages in challenges and solves problems to achieve success. Renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck said in her book ‘Mindset’ that it’s not intelligence or talent that set successful people apart. It’s their mindset which drives the way that they approach life’s challenges.

What then are important mindsets that children should develop during their critical formation years? At Methodist Preschool, we believe that nurturing children with essential mindsets of an Explorer, an Innovator and an Entrepreneur will future-proof them to thrive in the 21st century. In line with our Founder, John Wesley’s conviction that ‘The education of the heart is essential to the heart of learning’, strong emphasis on character development based on Christian values also undergirds our curriculum.

Nurturing the Future Today

Each of our six Methodist preschools is served by educators who are qualified and passionate to help each child learn joyfully and confidently to reach his or her potential in a caring and nurturing environment where he or she feels loved, valued and secure. We are committed to nurture children of Good Character, with future-ready mindsets of Explorers, Innovators and Entrepreneurs.

Methodist Preschool Explorer MindsetExplorer Mindset
“There are always new things to find out, if you go looking for them”
Sir David Attenborough, Naturalist

Tapping on children’s innate curiosity, our educators guide our young minds to adopt the Explorer mindset to perceive a challenge or learning opportunity as an expedition. Children are encouraged to ask questions with bold curiosity, to explore and push boundaries to discover new knowledge and solutions.

Methodist Preschool Innovator MindsetInnovator Mindset
“There’s a way to do it better. Find it.”
Thomas Edison, Inventor

Our STEM-based curriculum hones children’s Innovator mindset to stretch their imagination and creativity. Out-of-the-box thinking is celebrated and supported within a safe-to-fail learning environment where differences are respected and affirmations abound. Our nurturing educators guide our young innovators to practise reflective thinking, perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.

Methodist Preschool Entrepreneurial MindsetEntrepreneurial Mindset
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right.”
Henry Ford, Founder of Ford Motor Company

Risk-taking, critical & logical thinking skills, communication & collaboration skills, perseverance and resilience are attributes of an Entrepreneurial mindset that we imbue in Methodist Preschoolers through our curriculum, pedagogy and learning culture. Our children are emboldened to take calculated risks outside of their comfort zones and to adopt the mindset that each ‘failure’ is simply a stepping stone to learn from, and a step closer to success.

Distinctive Curriculum

Would your preschooler like to meet-and-interact with an Astronaut through a live online session before graduation? What about attending the highly-enriching and fun LEGO “Build The Change” Programme and Microsoft Minecraft Education Programme that are specially designed for preschoolers?

Methodist Preschool (MPS) offers a distinctive holistic curriculum with unique Signature Programmes, many of which are exclusively available at MPS centres:

Methodist Preschool Signature Space Buds Programme (SBP)Methodist Preschool Signature Space Buds Programme

We are the first preschool group in Singapore to collaborate with Singapore Space and Technology to offer the STEM-based Space Buds Programme for our K2 cohort. The programme promises to ignite children’s imagination of the final frontier and is most certainly a fun and immersive approach to developing attributes of our desired Explorer, Innovator and Entrepreneurial mindsets.

Signature Methodist Music Odyssey (MMO)Signature Methodist Music Odyssey

Our Signature Methodist Music Odyssey is a proprietary music programme developed in collaboration with the Methodist School of Music. The rich music and movement programme will expose children to various musical instruments and teach children notation reading, rhythm, listening skills and proper breathing and singing techniques.

Methodist Preschool STEM TrajectoriesMethodist Preschool STEM Trajectories

The Methodist Preschool STEM Trajectories cover two key domains – Coding and Applied Learning. Coding lessons with fun and attractively-designed coding robots develop logical thinking, problem-solving and spatial visualisation skills in children. Our enriching Applied Learning Programme aims to foster creative and critical thinking and practise the skills necessary to excel in project-based environments through hands-on application of STEM education.

Education Technology Methodist PreschoolInnovative Education Technology

Learning is made fun and effective with the use of education technology companions like Bee Bot, Tale-Bot and Luka AI Robots in its curriculum. It also builds digital competence to prepare children to thrive in an increasingly technology-dependent society in the 21st century.

Methodist Preschool was awarded the top prize for the Gartner 2022 Eye on Innovation Awards in Education (K-12 category) for the use of the Luka AI Reading Robot to enhance Chinese language learning.

Methodist Preschool is part of the Methodist family of schools with a century-old tradition of providing quality education from preschool to pre-university levels.

Schedule a personalised visit to a Methodist preschool for a better understanding of their holistic curriculum and age-appropriate play-based, inquiry-based and project-based learning approaches today!

Website: methodistpreschools.org

Schedule a personalised visit to any of our six centres for a better understanding of our holistic STEM-based curriculum and first-in-Singapore Signature Programmes! Enrol before 31 May 2024 and Enjoy over $540 worth of savings for first-time enrolment.

Visit our website for details.

This post is brought to you by Methodist Preschool.

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