Infant teething is a difficult stage in which mothers and babies should get through during infancy. The development of the teeth is entailed with pains and hassles that only parents who are knowledgeable of the infant’s needs during teething could deal with those accordingly. Once the baby is geared towards the growth of the teeth, there are a lot more difficulties that need to be faced.
Here are some of the indicators of infant teething. Knowing some of these would help you take necessary precautions to ease out baby’s pain and suffering:
• As the teeth try to push through outwards, the gums begin to bulge making it possible for the teeth outline to be very visible.
• Crying and wailing of the baby during night time is also a sign of irritation and discomfort caused by the coming out of baby teeth. Babies’ inability to talk forces them to cry and become restless.
• Commotion and uneasiness. Your baby may show some unlikely behaviour more than what is normally expected.
• Increase in drooling. It is normal for babies to salivate but then again, the pushing outwards of the teeth trigger excessive drool.
• Frequent biting of hand and clinging on to teething rings and other objects. The desire to bite is usually associated with easing out of the pain. Biting and clinging becomes your baby’s defence mechanism against the hurt he or she is feeling while teething.
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• Poor appetite is also a sign of the growth of the teeth. Baby’s eating routine may also get interrupted. Expect a change in the diet as you need to provide easily digestible foods and more fruits and juices.
• Sleep deprivation is also a trait of the teething stage. Inability to sleep is due to the pain. Try to calm the baby and soothe the gums with oral gel or other interventions as prescribed by the doctor.
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There are twenty primary teeth which would sprout out of your baby’s gums. Imagine how many times your infant would undergo irritation, discomfort and pain. The first teeth may cause severe hassles but the pain eventually lessens as the succeeding teeth come out. Mothers need to consult their pediatrician regarding the proper care of babies when teething begins.
Teething could also have a great impact on breastfeeding mothers especially if the first teeth are the two frontlines on the upper portion. In this case, feeding procedures could be altered in order to provide the proper condition for your child.
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