Supermarket shelves today are filled with different types of packed baby foods.

For busy working mothers, these pre-packed baby food saves time, convenient and easy to store.

But making your own baby food has its benefits too.

Hand Blender That Makes Wholesome Baby Food

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mothers should breastfeed their baby exclusively for the first six months of life. WHO also recommends mothers to continue nursing while starting to introduce solids.

In a health article by Reuters, there are three main points why homemade baby food is healthier.

#1 No added sugar or salt

Homemade food is healthier and fresher. There are no added sugars or salt in the food, and you know exactly what your baby is eating.

#2 Less picky when it comes to food

Babies who consume homemade food learn to eat a wider variety of food types.

Past studies suggest that the presence of sodium and sugar, coupled with the consistent texture and appearance in commercially produced baby food, may limit a child’s acceptance of new foods with different textures in the future. (Source: International Journal of Obesity)

However, homemade foods are able to provide a broader range of flavors and textures. And this might encourage children to eat a wider variety of things as they get older.

#3 Leaner babies

A recent study found that babies who only ate homemade food were leaner and had lower body fat mass when there were 1 and 3 years old, compared to infants who ate store-bought products.

The Best Choice For Home-Made Baby Food

Don’t know how or don’t have the time to make baby’s food?

Thanks to a handy tool by Braun Household, you can now solve all your baby’s food prep woes with a single device.

Here’s what the Braun Multiquick 5 is capable of doing.

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