Learning and Behaviour
Why Your Child Will Love British Council’s New Nursery Programme
Find out how British Council's nursery curriculum can help deepen your child's learning of English through play.
How To Keep Your Cool When Your Kid Throws A Tantrum
Frustrated when your child throws a hissy fit in public? Here are ways to handle sudden meltdowns without getting into a fit.
How To Use Flashcards For Toddlers And Kids
Using flashcards not only helps to develop and improve the connection of synapses in your child's developing brain, but it also appeals to various learning styles.
Teaching Manners To Kids: When Is The Best Time To Start?
Teaching manners to our children is a vital part of parenting on how they treat others as they grow. It is never too early to start.
Before Your Tot’s First Day In Daycare: What To Prepare
Prepping your toddler for their first day in daycare takes time. What have you done to prepare them? Here are important points to consider.
How To Plan A Successful Playdate: 8 Things To Consider
Playdates can be time for your child to gain precious socialization skills. Planning your first playdate? Check these tips out!
How To Make Your Child’s Play More Meaningful
Play isn't a waste of time. It creates a window of opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. Here are ideas on how you can create meaningful play for your child.
The Best Way To Teach Your Child To Read
How can you raise a child who reads and loves to read? We find out what is the best way to teach your child to read from the expert.
How To Choose Good Mandarin Picture Books For Kids
Want your child to learn and love Mandarin? Read picture books. Here are tips on how you can select good picture books for kids.
First-Time Mum Series: Preparing For The First Day Of School
"I was a complete mess when my daughter first attended school. It was not a pretty sight..." Our mummy writer shares her experience of sending her daughter to school for the first time.