Ask The Experts
My Girls Has Fever Every Two Months
My 7-month-old girl is having fever on about bi-monthly basis. Is this normal? What can I do to boost her immunity? Dr Liew Woei Kang from SBCC shares his advice.
Should My Child Learn More Than 2 Languages?
Research shows that children before the age of 5 are all linguists who are able to handle more than one language at a time. So is it advisable for my child to learn more than 2 languages?
My Child Has Frequent Nose Bleeds
Does your child have frequent nose bleeds? Dr Jenny Tang a Paediatrician from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic answers some commonly asked questions on nose bleeds in children.
My Child Is A Fussy Eater
My 3-year-old girl is a fussy eater, she just eats white rice with soup, sometimes she doesn’t like to eat but she drinks a lot of milk. Is she getting enough nutrients?
My Baby Girl Has Irregular Feeding Times
My 2-month-old girl has an irregular feeding amount and time. How do I put her into a fixed schedule in terms of time and amount?
My Son Has Fever For 4 Days
My son is currently having a low-grade fever from 37.7 for the past 4 days. How long should I wait for the fever to fully subside, before bringing him to see a doctor?
My 2 Month Old Baby Has Trouble Sleeping
My 2 month old son has trouble sleeping from 5 - 7am... Even after feeds, he'll be half asleep and keeps fussing till about 730 am. Can you advice what's the problem and what can we do to help him sleep better?
My 3 Year Old Girl Keeps Coughing And Sneezing
My 3+ year old boy had mild bronchitis when he was about 5 months old. Recently, he keeps coughing and sneezing...How can he fully recover from it? What can I do to avoid such episodes in the future?