Do you always feel so lethargic at work even if you think you have 8 hours of sleep every night? Do you envy your colleagues who can make do with lesser sleep and still look very fresh and charged? The answer can be found in your bedroom Feng Shuia Chinese ancient science that taps on environmental energies to create results.

bedroom feng shui

In this article, I will discuss the causes of poor quality of sleep from a Feng Shui perspective and at the same time share with you some do’s and don’ts in the bedroom so that you can rest better throughout the night.

Poor quality of sleep, in the long term, can lead to daytime sleepiness, clumsiness, fatigue and adversely affect the cognitive function. It may also cause you to feel blue and depressed more easily. To arrest the problem, Feng Shui Practitioners like us first zoom into the yin and yang of the bedroom.

Tranquility is an important ingredient and hence if the room is too yang, it will disturb the sleep of the occupants, including your child, because the brain is usually active even when the person is asleep. It also results in a lot of unpleasant dreams. Yang is associated with movement, brightness and activities. So, it is not advisable for the room to be too bright or to have too many windows.

bright or too yang bedroom

One also should not install a TV or any water feature in the room as these are perceived as activities. Contrary to popular belief, having your bed facing a mirror does not contravene any Feng Shui rules since the mirror has got nothing to do with the ancient science.

While we do not want the room to be too yang, we also do not want the room to be too yin. Remember, Feng Shui calls for balance. Yin is associated with darkness, cold and stillness. A house or a room which is too yin often leads to mental health issues like hallucination and depression – besides poor sleep.

gloomy and too yin bedroom

A typical cause of overly yin situation will be a lack of penetration of sunlight into the house or bedroom due to overgrown foliage outside the window. For people staying in the high rise apartment or flats, it can be attributed to the gloomy corridor. The problem will be exacerbated if the room is coupled with the strong presence of yin energies in accordance with our calculation.

An easy solution is to trim the leaves outside your windows and keep the entrance of your house well-lit. Painting your room with bright red or orange, however, do not solve this Feng Shui issue.

The position of the bed can be the next reason for not having the well-deserved rest after a whole day of work. The location of the bed and the direction your body is pointing to play a very important role in achieving a good Feng Shui for your bedroom.

On this, you need a Feng Shui Consultant to assess the house and plot the energy chart so as to recommend the best location and direction for you to sleep. We spend about 8 hours every day there and whether one can live healthily and achieve longevity really depends on the bedroom Feng Shui.

As a simple Feng Shui rule-of-thumb, it is advisable for you not to:

  • sleep with the bed head against the wall with windows; bed head should be placed against the solid wall
  • sleep with your head under the beam as it will cause migraine and stress
  • sleep directly next to the room door as the flow of qi or energy is relatively fast from the door which will disturb your sleep

In the study of Feng Shui, bedroom is one of the most important factors to consider besides main door and stove. Start looking into your bedroom now to have a energetic new year ahead.

jo-chingMaster Jo Ching is the Principal Consultant of DestinyAsia Global Consultancy – a feng shui firm that creates opportunities and results for individual, families and business owners. Coming from a reputable lineage, Master Jo is also a trainer that coaches enthusiasts and practitioners on advance feng shui and bazi techniques. You can visit his website or contact him as follows:

Mobile: +65-97982675

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