Baghdad St will be filled with magical fairy lights and Turkish lights and decorations, and the shaded lawns will be covered with tapestry & Arabic carpet, there will be props for everyone to sit, relax and snap photos at our photo booth! Get ready for a night filled with performance of wandering musicians and entertainers!

SOUK - The Arab Street Market

Monthly, Zubaida Singapore will be organising Souk event- the Arab St Market. This will be a one stop place where people & tourists can look forward to every end of the month for their shopping flea at our bazaar!

What’s even more exciting, we are going to have a mini runway show! This runway show will be showcasing the products of our participating vendors!

Get ready to bedazzled!

The details of this month event are as follows:

Date: 29 November to 1 December 2019
Time: 8pm – 11pm (Fri), 1pm – 11pm (Sat), 1pm – 9pm (Sun)
Venue: Baghdad St

*Mini Runway show: Saturday 30th November 2019, 6pm

Organised by: Zubaida Singapore

It is the year end November & December holidays. We have compiled a list of November-December School Holidays 2019 Activities for Kids. Click image to find out more.

November December Holiday Activities in Singapore

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