Save water. Big ways, small ways. All OK!

Households and businesses can contribute to a more sustainable water future

Water conservation campaign SWWD 2024

PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency, launched its annual water conservation campaign with a community event at Jurong Lake Gardens. Themed “Save water. Big ways, small ways. All OK!”, this year’s campaign held in conjunction with celebrations for Singapore World Water Day (SWWD) spotlights the myriad of ways in which the community can contribute to a more sustainable water future.

While using water responsibly may be simple actions, these collectively can make a big difference to our environment. Simple daily habits at home such as reusing water and making a more conscious effort to purchase water-efficient fittings and appliances, can all help to save water.

This year’s campaign focuses on three key messages: promoting water conservation, encouraging water efficiency among households and businesses, and recognising public efforts in conserving water.

The community event was graced by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and attended by more than 2,000 participants. Jurong Lake Gardens is one of the sites under PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme, an initiative to improve the quality of water and life and foster greater appreciation of water by maximising the potential of our water bodies.

A highlight of the event was the “Water Rhythm” mass dance routine, which translated water-saving actions into simple dance steps. Attendees also had the opportunity to explore the interactive “My Water-Efficient Home” exhibit, where they learned various ways to save water within a simulated environment. In addition, PUB’s partners, from schools to shopping malls, set up experiential booths aimed at reinforcing, educating, and encouraging a water-smart mindset among participants.

“As we commemorate Singapore World Water Day in March, we are reminded of the critical role each of us plays in safeguarding this precious resource. This year’s campaign hopes to inspire action within every segment of the community. We are embracing all efforts, whether through large-scale initiatives to rally the community, or simple, everyday actions. Our collective water saving actions today, big or small, will make a difference and contribute to a more sustainable water future for Singapore,” said Mrs Cindy Keng, Director of PUB’s 3P Network Department.

Reinforcing the importance of water conservation

The per capita household water consumption in 2023 was 141 litres, maintaining a downward trend from 2022 (149 litres). Under the Singapore Green Plan 2030, the goal is to reduce household water consumption to 130 litres per person a day. During the month of March, schools, community groups, corporate partners, and non-governmental organisations will be engaging their stakeholders to further raise awareness and promote water sustainability.

Partner Activities and Events¹

PUB’s partners will host various initiatives to raise awareness on Singapore’s water story and inspire action towards water sustainability. Community events, such as the World Water Day Carnival jointly organised by Bedok Green Secondary School in collaboration with Fengshan Community Club on 30 March, aim to encourage water-saving practices among the community. The event will feature interactive games, workshops and activities designed by students from Bedok Green Secondary School’s Environment Club to nurture a water conservation mindset in the participants.

Water Wednesdays

Introduced in 2021, Water Wednesdays is an initiative where participating schools and organisations dedicate Wednesdays in March to conduct water rationing exercises, engage in water-centric activities, and hold conversations about water sustainability. As stewards of Singapore’s water future, we recognise the need to instil an understanding of the importance of water conservation from a young age.

In celebration of SWWD, retail partners will also be offering ‘Blue Deals’ – exclusive promotions on products that help consumers save water, such as water-efficient appliances – aimed to promote responsible water consumption.

Encouraging households to be water-efficient

To encourage households to be more efficient in their use of energy and water, the Climate Friendly Households Programme² will be enhanced in April 2024. All HDB households will receive $300 worth of climate vouchers to purchase water and energy efficient appliances. By switching to more efficient appliances and fittings, households can reduce their water consumption, lower their utility bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and play their part in slowing down climate change.

The latest household water consumption study conducted by PUB from 2021 to 2022 with about 400 households indicated that showering, flushing, washing in the kitchen, and laundry remained the largest water consuming areas in households, constituting about 80% of their total water usage. There is potential for households to use water more efficiently when going about their daily activities.

For households using less water-efficient fittings and flushing cisterns, i.e. below 2-tick MWELS (Mandatory Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) ratings, PUB’s Water Saver Pack³ can help to reduce water usage. The Water Saver Pack includes flush saver cistern bags, thimbles for showerheads, kitchen sinks and/or bathroom basin taps, as well as leak detection tablets for the flushing cistern.

¹ For more information on all activities, refer to PUB’s website.
² For more information, refer here.
³ The Water Saver Pack is available for redemption on 9 March 2024 here


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