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The New Age Parents > Parenting


Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. But it helps to be equipped with useful tips and information from experts and other fellow parents. Navigate our articles in this section to get a clearer picture of your parenting journey ahead.

  • Language Development In Pre-Schoolers

    The question through the minds of parents as they compare their child’s ability to talk with other children. What is a 'typical language development'?

  • Does My Child Have ADHD

    She refuses to sit during lesson, scolds the teacher who tries to talk to her nicely, locks herself in toilet, dozes off during lesson. Sometimes she even tries to run away. Does she have ADHD?

  • Making Your Child Love Learning

    Many parents find it difficult to make their child love & enjoy learning. It's in these formative years of the child’s development when a parent’s choices will have effects beyond the early childhood.

  • Dealing With Stuttering In Children

    Children might repeat a word many times or speak in a way which prolong word sounds or syllables. This kind of speech pattern is known as stuttering. Here are some ways which parents can help

  • Am I Ready For Another Baby?

    Having another baby is entirely different when you were deciding to have your first baby. Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself before making a decision...

  • Becoming A Better Father

    Being a father can be a huge struggle. For most men, being a father is an overwhelming role transformation. Here are some tips to help the men out there to be aspiring fathers.

  • Feng Shui In Your Bedroom

    Do you feel so lethargic at work even if you had 8 hours of sleep every night? Do you envy your colleagues who sleep lesser & still look very fresh? The answer can be found in your bedroom Feng Shui.

  • Facts And Myths Of Stuttering In Toddlers

    Some children go through a stage of stuttering, also known as stammering. Stuttering in toddlers a disruption to the flow of speech, in the form of repeating sounds...

  • Colour Painting Tips For Children

    Painting is an activity many children enjoy & look forward to. The medium is easy to apply in comparison to crayons and/or colour pencils. Crayons can be tiring for children who are learning to strengthen their fine motor skills

  • Finding The Ideal Childcare Centre

    Childcare-hunting can be difficult with so many centres to choose from. Take your time to tour around the different childcare centres. Here is a useful checklist for parents.

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