Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. But it helps to be equipped with useful tips and information from experts and other fellow parents. Navigate our articles in this section to get a clearer picture of your parenting journey ahead.
Being A Father First
Although it found a wide agreement that fathers have a strong influence in shaping their children’s lives and values, they found that fathers still spend less time with their children than mothers.
Different Stages Of Play In Children
Play is an important part of child development. Each year when a child grows up, he participates in different and increasingly complex stages of play. Here are the different play milestones in a child's life.
Vomiting Or Diarrhoea In Children: Causes And Symptoms
Many types of illnesses and medicines can cause your child to vomit or have diarrhoea. Most often vomiting and diarrhoea are caused by a germ called a virus.
Your Bookworm Baby: 5 Easy Ways To Start Forming Good Literacy Habits
Good literacy habits go a long way. Reading aloud to the little ones early teaches a child about communication as well as introduces concepts such as stories, numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way to them.
Vegetarian Diet For Kids
Is a vegetarian diet recommended for children? What are the benefits and concerns of such a diet? Senior Dietitian Ms Suzanne Khor tells us more.
Family Friendly Holiday Resorts Near Singapore
Pining for that one holiday where azure water beckons? Look no further! We have rounded up resorts close to Singapore with services provided for kids.
Your Baby’s First Solid Food
Dr Nancy Tan from SBCC Baby and Child Clinic shares with us some research on the types of food to give to your baby and the recommended age for your baby to be weaned.
Chickenpox In Children
Chickenpox is a common mild viral illness caused by Varicella zoster virus. Dr Ellen Tay shares with us the symptoms, characteristics, complications and prevention of chicken pox.
Why Do Miscarriages Happen?
The chance of having a miscarriage in the first three months is about 20%, and this often occurs by chance, not impairing future chance of successful pregnancy.
Top 5 Common Parenting Discipline Mistakes
Parenting is probably one of the most challenging undertakings. It can be very rewarding but also very frustrating. Here are some common discipline misconceptions parents may have when it comes to discipline.