MindChamps Complimentary Online Educational Resources and Parenting Strategies

While schools are closed and holidays are now confined to the home, this is a time where children and parents can spend quality time together.

MindChamps PreSchool is giving parents complimentary online access to their research-based education resources and parenting strategies. The research-based educational resources include engaging activity ideas, quizzes and games to help nurture 2 to 6-year-old children’s Champion Mindset and inculcate values at home. Nurturing a Champion Mindset today will prepare them with the resilience and skills to overcome setbacks and set them up for success in a fast-paced and unknown future. Parents can also pick up tips and strategies on how to best nurture children at home. The resources are updated weekly.

The term “Champion Mindset” is coined by world-renowned neuroscientist, Emeritus Professor Allan Snyder FRS. He is internationally recognised for his extensive research over 20 years, into the mindset that powers our interaction with the world around us. Professor Snyder, together with David Chiem, Founder CEO of MindChamps, demonstrate that the elements of the Champion Mindset can be learned – and that the foundations for those key elements are best established in the early years.

For more information, visit www.mindchamps.org.

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