The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
Why are Gym Activities Important for Early Childhood Development
The first five years of a child's life are most crucial to his or her overall development as the brain develops connections, faster and more extensively than at any other time in their life.
Bridging the Gap with Early Intervention Programmes for Inclusive Learning
Bridging the Gap (Early Intervention For Life)'s mission is to help every child to bridge the physical, cognitive, social, and psychological gaps in their life.
What Parents Should Know About Baby Food!
Choosing the right food for your baby is essential. What factors should parents consider when preparing food for your baby. Fact vs Myths!
Holistic Bilingual Chinese Preschool Education with Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan
Enrolling our little ones in a suitable preschool centre that provides holistic and engaging bilingual education will boost our children's bilingualism.
Chengzhu Mandarin Education – Best Interactive Chinese Enrichment Programmes
At Chengzhu Mandarin Centre, children are immersed in a fully Chinese environment. Children are engaged through stimulating, meaningful and interactive experiences.
Infant Care and Childcare – What You Need to Know About Working Mother Subsidy, Baby Bonus & Enhanced Subsidy
Having a baby isn't cheap - that much is obvious! Between the cost of delivery, diapers, and infant care or childcare, those expenses can quickly add up.
Five Tips for Handling Stubborn Toddlers
It is easy to get frustrated during episodes of tantrums. It is helpful to know that these are developmentally appropriate and a big part of a toddler's job is to push boundaries.
Choosing the Right Health Supplements for Your Kids
While a balanced diet is key in providing essential nutrients, it may be challenging for kids to obtain all the nutrients they need from food alone.
A Child’s Early Years – Debunking the Myths
There are many differing perspectives in relation to how children should be raised in the early years and that can lead to some myths about how children develop and learn.
KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse: Building a Strong Bilingual Foundation in Children
At KiddiWinkie Schoolhouse, a Guided Inquiry curriculum ensures your child builds strong bilingual foundations. The preschool's newly renovated Harbourfront centre also features excellent facilities to boost learning.