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Helping Children With Their English Homework
How can we help our children do their homework more effectively at the Primary level? An expert from British Council shares useful homework techniques.
Why Can’t My Child Solve Difficult PSLE Math Problem Sums
Has the difficulty level of the PSLE math paper risen in the last few years? Peggy Foo, a numeracy specialist and ex-teacher shares her insights with TNAP.
How Early Math Exposure Can Help Your Child Succeed
Want to predict your child's success as they grow older? Your child's math skills will be the best gauge.
How Social Media And Texting Change The Way Children Communicate
Has social media and texting has changed the way we speak and write? Will this affect our children when they come to formal writing and speaking?
Homeschool Series Part 11: How to Apply For MOE Approval
If you've decided to homeschool your child at Primary 1 onwards, the first official step is to apply to the Ministry of Education (MOE) for approval.
Signs That Your Kids Are Overworked And Stressed
We want our kids to realise their full potential but we might neglect that our kids are overworked and stressed. We ask the experts for the signs.
How To Teach Children About Current Affairs
War, economy crisis, famine, politics. How can we teach children about the world's current affairs? Are they too young to understand?
Supporting My Child’s Interest: What Can I Do?
What can parents do to support their child's ever-changing interests? Give them a wide exposure, says an expert. Read on to learn more.
How To Recognize And Manage Exam Stress In Children
The exam period is not only stressful for the child, but for the parent too. How can you better manage your own and your child's exam stress?
How To Prepare For PSLE English
How can you help your kid prepare for his PSLE English? Do targeted practice and keep reading books, suggests an expert from British Council.