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is deprecated. Use ignore_sticky_posts
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5 Great Tips On Teaching Stranger Danger To Your Toddler
Young children are not able to fully comprehend the concept of stranger danger. Here are 5 tips on how parents can educate young children about stranger danger.
Making Preschools Safe with COVID-Safe ABCs
To provide a safe environment when classes resume, all preschools will put in place safe management measures - what we call our Back to School ABCs!
How to Teach Your Child about Road Safety
Teaching your child proper road safety is one of the most important lessons you can give. Check out this guide to teach your child how to stay safe on the roads.
Choosing The Best Car Seat For Your Child
Car seats are not an option. They are everyday life-saving mechanisms and ensure the safety of our children on the road. Here's how to choose the best car seat.
Why A Little Danger Is Good: 4 Things To Expose Your Kids
We worry about our children's safety from the moment they are born but how will our children respond to danger when they're out of our safety net?
Head Injuries In Children
It is almost impossible to prevent children from ever being injured due to their constant activity. Fortunately most childhood falls or blows to the head result in injury to the scalp only.