Health and Nutrition
Bruising In Babies And Children: Commonly Asked Questions
Is bruising common in babies and children? We asked Dr Lim Kai Hung, General Practitioner from SMG Medical to find out more.
Is Your Child A Big Eater Or Small Eater?
Is your child eating too much, or too little? Our nutrition expert from Thomson Paediatric Centre (The Child Development Centre) answers some questions on children's appetite.
Is Your Child Too Sick For School?
Does your child fall sick all the time? How do you know if your child is too sick to go to school? Here are some pointers that may help you make the decision.
My Child’s Severe Allergic Reaction: A Mother’s Experience
All it takes is a bite and the effects can be fatal. A mother shares her story of her son's severe allergic reaction when he was just a toddler.
Do Children Need To Take Multi-Vitamin Supplements?
Multivitamins can be given anytime of the day. However, certain vitamins are better given with some foods to aid in their absorption.
Top 10 Brain Boosters For Children
Our children's brain needs nutrients to grow and develop. But what sort of food does it exactly need? Let’s get brainy with some food.
Debunking Common Food Myths
The word 'healthy' can be quite subjective. Energy bars, cereal, low-fat yoghurt. Think these food are 'healthy'? Think again.
Demystifying Epilepsy In Children
Many parents are badly shaken when witnessing the seizures in their children for the first time. Dr Phuah Huan Kee from SBCC Baby & Child Clinic tell us more about epilepsy in children.
Sinus In Children
A 'sinus' is actually a normal air-filled space in the facial bones near the nasal passage that is lined with mucous membranes. So technically, everybody has sinuses!
How Heavy Is Your Child’s Backpack?
Research in the past few years have shown how the weight of your child’s backpack can have dire effects on his or her back development.