Stimulate Your Child’s Brain With These Easy-To-Do Exercises
Exercise can reduce stress as it releases ‘feel-good’ hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. Otherwise, it can impair a child’s brain development.
Helping Children Cope With Death
Experiencing the death of a loved one is never easy. Here are steps on how we can help children process the pain of loss.
4 Lessons I’ve Learnt Teaching Dyslexic Kids
According to the International Dyslexia Association, 'dyslexia is a neurological condition caused by a different wiring of the brain'.
Secrets To Raising A Child With High EQ
Foster your child's EQ (emotional quotient) with these 3 key practices.
What Makes These Preschools Stand Out
Mindfulness for kids? A marching band? Budding social entrepreneurs? Check out these unique programmes offered at these preschools.
What Children Need For A Holistic Brain Development
Both hemispheres of the brain communicate through the corpus callosum, working together to perform a wide variety of tasks.
How I Let My Two Boys Learn At Their Own Pace And It Paid Off
It takes courage to stick to your parenting beliefs when everyone tells you otherwise. But it pays off.
What To Do With A Clingy Child
My preschooler is still very clingy even after starting school. How can I help her to be more independent?
How To Develop Your Child’s Right-Brain
What is left or right brain all about? What can parents do to nurture and develop the right-brain? Our expert shares more.
What It Takes To Raise Successful Children
While there isn't a magic formula for raising successful children, experts and studies point to certain parenting traits.