The famous terrible twos stage beckons! Whether it is true for your child, fret not. From temper tantrums to weaning off breastmilk to most commonly asked question ‘When will they learn how their ABCs?’, discover more about baby as they progress from infancy to toddler in this section.
5 Best Methods To Fight Against Childhood Illness
How do you beat illnesses when your child is sick? Dr Ellen Tay shares her advice on how parents can prevent children from catching illnesses.
Debunking Common Food Myths
The word 'healthy' can be quite subjective. Energy bars, cereal, low-fat yoghurt. Think these food are 'healthy'? Think again.
4 Important Reasons for Flashing Cards
Showing flashcards to children is not specifically for giving knowledge to children. Here are some tips on how parents can use flashcards for their children.
Nail Biting In Children
My child keeps biting his nails. What causes children to bite their nails and how can you help your child to break this habit?
Vegetable Substitutes For Your Little One
When your feisty two-year-old clams up his mouth and starts flinging his plate of greens to the floor, what do you do? Consider these substitutes for the veggies.
Is Flossing Teeth Really Necessary For Children?
Are there children specific dental floss? And is it necessary for children to floss? T32 Junior Paediatric Dentist Dr Lim Swee Teck answers your doubts.
Baby Food 101
Are you looking for ways to introduce solid food to your baby? Learn some of the tips here!
Flying With Your Tot: 8 Useful Tips
Flying with your tot the next holiday season? Here are eight terrific tips we recommend you pay close attention to if you’re planning a trip with toddler-in-tow anytime soon.
Please Behave! Misbehaviours In Toddlers
Toys strewn all over the floor, cookie crumbs on the sofa, books lying everywhere... sound familiar? Here are some tips to help you get your toddler's cooperation.
Handling Your Picky Eater
Many toddlers develop food preferences that may irk and frustrate their parents and caregivers. Find out how some parents manage their child's food aversion.