Math is a dreadful word for most learners. Numbers have not yet earned the interest of most kids who find mathematics nothing but mere punishment in the classroom.
Indeed, the multiplication times tables were devised to ease out the learning of more complicated Mathematics formulas and problems. Starting of with a good understanding of how the multiplication table works is a big help in developing your child’s interest in numbers.
The learning of multiplication emanates from the full comprehension on the process of addition. Thus, other processes like subtraction and division are also just mere reverse of the other and there the connection is established and understood. Children may have difficulty memorizing the table but in memory lay the efficiency of the child to enhance his mathematical skills.
▪ Understand that some children learn faster than the others. Establish memory techniques that could reduce the pressure and at the same time induce enjoyment. Learning could come at your child’s own definite pace. Never allow the idea of comparing your child to you or to others.
▪ Make clear multiplication times tables at the back of your child’s notebook or at a special paper posted on the walls beside his bed. The frequency of being seen would remind the child of the numbers in sequence.
▪ Repetition is the best way of mastery. Use some flashcards that contain the question on the other side and the answer on the opposite. Periodical quizzes at home would also reinforce what you have taught him.
▪ Real world implications are concrete visualization of the intricacies of math. Children learn by concrete examples. You can make use of objects around the house to multiply which your child can answer.
▪ Make use of fun situations. While cooking, you can ask multiplication questions like “if I have three apples and each apple is sliced into two, how many slices of apples will I have?
▪ Make sure you make use of steps in solving multiplication problems. Identifying of what figures are given and what is asked of the child to solve for will clear out any confusion.
▪ Use technological gadgets to enhance the learning. The internet, for instance, offer websites with games and tests that could improve your child’s multiplication skills.
Mathematics is a fun subject. Learning it begins with ironing out principles and processes that would lead in the solution of certain problems. Erase from your child his fear for numbers as you initiate activities and learning situations that would lead in the mastery of the subject. Multiplication times tables are just one of the basic arithmetic operations. Learning it is an advantage so help your child now!
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