In the first part of our interview, we spoke to Musical Daddy Marcus Loh.
Say hello to his three kids, Kevin, Jon and Abby! Introducing the three musical-teers, Kevin, Jon and Abby.
Musical Trio #1 Kevin Loh
How old are you and where are you studying now?
I am 15 years old. Currently, I am studying in Yehudi Menuhin School at the United Kingdom. I am in Secondary 3 and currently learning the classical guitar as well as piano.
What instrument you are learning to play at the moment?
I am also self-learning the fingerstyle steel string guitar and the ukulele.
When did you start playing?
I started playing musical instrument when I was five years old.
If you could learn another musical instrument, what would you like to learn and why?
That would be Cello. When I was younger, I used to watch Yo Yo Ma (famous American cellist), and after playing the Cello Suites on the guitar, I would really love to learn how to play it on the actual Cello.
Any other hobbies and interests besides music?
Building Gundam figures and playing computer games.
If you could choose to be a musical instrument, what would you be and why?
I would like to be a guitar for its ability to bring joy to many people. Guitar is also portable and available in many different types, such as the classical instrument, sing and strum and electric.
Related Post: 6 Ways How Music Can Benefit Children
Musical Trio #2 Jon Loh
How old are you and where are you studying now?
I am 9 years old and am studying in St Joseph Institution Junior. I am in Primary 3.
What instrument you are learning to play at the moment?
Currently learning the piano and the guitar.
When did you start playing?
Same as my older brother, I started playing when I was five years old.
If you could learn another musical instrument, what would you like to learn and why?
Hmmm, I’m not really sure yet whether I want to explore another musical instrument, but I really love the piano and the guitar.
Any other hobbies and interests besides music?
Yes. I like to roller blade, cycle and build Gundam figures.
If you could choose to be a musical instrument, what would you be and why?
I love so many instruments that I don’t know where to start. I would like to learn them all.
Related Post: Recommended Music And Songs For Children To Focus Better
Musical Trio #3 Abby
How old are you and where are you studying now?
I am five years old! I am K2 this year and studying at Montessori.
What instrument you are learning to play at the moment?
I am learning to play the piano and the guitar. I just started to learn how to play this year.
If you could learn another musical instrument, what would you like to learn and why?
I’m not really sure yet whether I’ll be exploring another musical instrument other than the ones I am currently learning.
Any other hobbies and interests besides music?
I like painting and watching television.
If you could choose to be a musical instrument, what would you be and why?
If I could choose to be a musical instrument, I would love to be the guitar and the piano; I want to play more pieces on them and maybe play in a quartet with them on National Television one day.
Related Post: Kickstart Your Child’s Music Learning
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