Congratulations to the following lucky winners of ‘Chickenhare And The Hamster Of Darkness’ Movie e-Passes Giveaway! They have won a pair of e-Passes each!
The names of the winners are:
- Koh May Chin
- Laeu Bee Hua Joanne
- Neo Jancy
- Ng Yin Ling Debbie
- Poh Liang Seng Alvin
- Tan Ai Yun
- Tan Lai Hwa Stephanie
- Tay Mei Ling Irene
- Wong Nurhidayah
- Yang Vicky
Here are the T&Cs of ePass codes:
- The ePass codes are for ‘Chickenhare And The Hamster Of Darkness’ only. The movie is rated PG.
- The ePass codes are strictly not for sale.
- The ePass codes are only valid for online booking here, iGV app and box office counter transactions at GV cinemas.
- The ePass Codes are not valid for premium-priced films or events, GEMINI, GVmax Dolby Atmos®, Gold Class®, D-Box, Grand Seats, Duo Deluxe, Deluxe Plus, Gold Class Express, group bookings, film marathons, premieres and special events.
- Not valid for all sessions on Public Holidays, and eve of Public Holidays.
- Not valid for sessions after 5pm on Saturdays.
- Subject to session and seat availability.
- Valid till film run ends.
- Online convenience fee applies.
Terms and conditions apply. Please also read our Privacy Policy.
For more contests and giveaways, go to The New Age Parents Contest Page.
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