Grace Under Pressure: Handling Unwanted Opinions
People will always have an opinion. Some will share their thoughts aloud while others will be more opinionated. So what's a new mummy supposed to do with all this feedback?
Top 6 Motherhood Myths Debunked
There are many myths that circulate around motherhood, things which we have heard from other mummies or our elders. Let us look at some of the motherhood myths you may have heard.
Time Management For Busy Parents: 7 Easy And Effective Tips
You have created relationships, a career, a home, and now, a family. There seems to be a million and one things to do. How can you stay motivated and focused?
16 Random Acts Of Kindness Children Can Do
We often overlook what children are capable of, and have yet to realize the wealth of empathy, kindness and generosity hidden in them. Here are some random acts of kindness your child can do.
Taking Medicine For Connective Tissue Disease
Is it advisable for a mum to take medicine for Connective Tissue Disease (CTD) to breastfeed baby? Or should mummy stop breastfeeding?
The Right To Write – Creative Writing for Children
Writing is one of the basic and one of the most important things a person should learn in life. However, writing is very much different from creative writing.
What Makes A Good School?
We all have our own definition and perception of what makes a good school. To some, it could be the teachers who define a good school. To others, it could be the school’s track record.
8 Useful Tips On How To Build Confidence In Children
Would you like your child to grow up feeling successful? Confidence is the priceless asset that will inspire this success, helping him live his life to the full.
The Truth Behind Chinese Dyslexia
In recent years, there has been a growing number of children seeking help with learning the Chinese Language in Singapore. What exactly is dyslexia, or more specifically, Chinese dyslexia?
It’s Not All About Academic Results
Singapore has some of the best schools in the world, yet parents continue to pile on hours of tuition, usually under the belief that more is better or simply because others are doing it.