The Air Force Museum in Singapore is an aviation museum that showcases the history and achievements of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF). It is located at Paya Lebar Air Base, one of the airbases of the RSAF, in the eastern part of Singapore.

air force museum singapore

Here are some key details about the Air Force Museum:

History and Purpose: The Air Force Museum was officially opened on 1 September 1988. Its main purpose is to educate visitors about the history, heritage, and capabilities of the RSAF. The museum also aims to inspire and foster a sense of national pride in the achievements of the RSAF and its personnel.

air force museum helicopter display

Exhibits: The museum features a wide range of exhibits that provide insights into the development of the RSAF and its various roles and capabilities. The exhibits include aircraft displays, dioramas, interactive displays, multimedia presentations, and historical artifacts. Visitors can learn about the evolution of the RSAF’s aircraft, its contributions to national defense, search and rescue operations, humanitarian missions, and more.

Republic of Singapore Air Force Museum

Outdoor Display: Outside the museum, visitors can explore the outdoor aircraft display area, which showcases a collection of RSAF aircraft. These aircraft include fighter jets, helicopters, transport aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Visitors have the opportunity to get up close to these aircraft, take photographs, and learn about their specifications and operational roles.

singapore air force museum unmanned aircraft

Interactive Elements: The Air Force Museum offers several interactive elements that engage visitors of all ages. These include flight simulators, where visitors can experience the thrill of flying a fighter jet or helicopter in simulated missions. There are also interactive exhibits that allow visitors to learn about the principles of flight, radar systems, and aviation technologies.

singapore air force museum

Admission and Opening Hours: Admission to the Air Force Museum is free. The museum is generally open to the public on weekdays, except on public holidays. However, it is recommended to check the museum’s official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on opening hours and any temporary closures.

How to Get to Air Force Museum Singapore

Address: 400 Airport Road Singapore 534234
Bus: 90 and 94
Nearest MRT: Ubi MRT
Opening Hours: Tue – Sat from 9am – 4pm (Closed on Sundays, Mondays, Public Holidays, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve & Lunar New Year’s Eve.)

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